Category: Products


Five Ways to Learn More About Tech

Are you in the technology business? Do you simply want to learn more about technology to improve a business that doesn’t involve tech directly? Whatever you are doing, learning about technology, engineering, and mathematics is always helpful. It can really supplement your overall knowledge and open the door to new opportunities. Technology is the future of our society. It is changing the way we live and augmenting modern life. Below are five ways you can learn more about technology.

Learn about Computer Programming

When it comes to computer programming, you can learn a lot on your own. You don’t need to go to college to learn how to program. First, think about what you are doing and how knowing a little bit about programming will help you grow and improve. You can take an online course, read up on blogs, and practice coding and programming at your home. Some people don’t need to know how to program, but it will facilitate your life if you are working in the business of technology.

Take Online Math Courses

If you are like a lot of people in the United States, you didn’t get a great education in mathematics. When you are in technology or are trying to get into the business of it, you should know more about math. There are plenty of options for learning mathematics. Taking a linear algebra online course will supplement your knowledge on the subject. Whether you’re a physicist, an engineer, or a technologist, knowing math is pivotal. Even if it doesn’t directly apply to what you are doing, taking online math courses will facilitate the process of learning more about technology.

Work with Engineers

Technology takes a lot of engineering. If you aren’t trained in the field, you should work with engineers and learn from them. It’s imperative to learn more about engineering if you want to learn about technology. There are all kinds of sectors in engineering. Employ engineers, network with them, and ask them questions. If you’re an engineer yourself, you know that it’s invaluable to gain knowledge from engineers in other areas of the field. Whether you’re trying to become a huge technology company or are specializing in a niche, working with engineers is very important.

What About Marketing?

Technology and marketing are colliding, converging. Marketing is no longer simply tangible; it is increasingly digital. Search engine optimization (SEO) is becoming more and more vital in the age of digital marketing. SEO is the process of creating content and using metadata to land web pages as high up on search engines like Google and Bing as possible. 

By using keywords, hyperlinks, and engaging copy, companies of all kinds can inform their customers, direct them to contact and purchase hyperlinks and use keywords to be seen when people type them in on search engines. If you are in tech, you should use it to learn more about who is successful and why. SEO provides education in all that is technology marketing. It will teach you a lot.

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Schematic display of the network

Finally, if technology is our culture, machine learning and AI are at the forefront of it. The ability for machines to teach themselves new things without humans is incredibly valuable. Can they automate on their own to produce results and find new solutions to problems? Your whole company and outlook on tech can be changed by this. When you are interested in tech and know a lot about it, the final frontier is AI and machine learning. If you learn about these subjects, you will be able to create success. A good place to start? AI writing software and apps that can make your life easier. 

Technology is evolving. Life is changing. Things are moving. Whatever you are interested in and whatever you do for work, learning about technology will enable you to get more done. Whether you want to create a game-changing tech business or want to use tech more effectively in your non-tech company, doing your best to learn more about it will do you a lot of good. What are you waiting for? If you need to learn more about technology, it’s time to get started. It is the future of modernity and, as they say, the future is now. The longer you wait, the more of an uphill climb it will be. 


How to Use Online Shopping When Equipping Your Home with Essential Gadgets

No matter how big your living space is and how long you’ve lived in it – all homes deserve attention, love, and care. This is particularly true if you’re trying to make your home more enjoyable, welcoming, and comfortable than it’s ever been, and one of the ways to make that happen is by relying on the offer you can find online. Shopping things this way may not sound like your cup of tea at first, but once you start doing this every single day, you’re going to start realizing all the benefits of this idea. So, how can you use online shopping when equipping your home with essential gadgets, and what are some of the things you should and shouldn’t do during this process?

Set the budget

This is the first thing you need to focus on when buying stuff for your home, regardless of its size, location, and number of rooms. Most people think that they won’t spend too much money on their essential gadgets, but this is almost never the case in the end. 

Buying one thing will lead you to the next, and then you’ll start purchasing items without thinking about money and you’ll have no money left for your utility bills – and that’s the worst thing you can do! So, start by figuring out how much money you have and how much you’re willing to spend. Doing that will help you stay on track and get everything you need without breaking the bank and causing financial issues in the long run.

Make a plan

Credit card
A man is holding a credit card in front of his laptop.

Buying stuff online usually means being able to see them without touching them, and that’s something you have to be ready for if you opt for online shopping. This is why you have to know exactly what you’re looking for and how to find it. 

If you’re buying appliances, for instance, you have to know their sizes and how much free space you have – you don’t want to buy a fridge online, have it delivered to your home, and then realize that it doesn’t fit. This is also true when equipping your bathroom, your kids’ room, and other parts of your home, so make a detailed plan before you start browsing the Internet and stick to it as much as you can.

Keep digging

For most people, buying things online means sticking to a handful of the most popular websites and buying whatever they’re having on sale right now. While that may be the simplest and quiet way to go, it’s not always the best, especially if you’re getting ready to equip every inch of your home with essential gadgets. This is why browsing the Internet a bit more than usual might be a great way to go, so be ready to think outside the box a bit. 

You may find amazing offers if you’re persistent and willing to invest some time and energy into this process, and this will help you save money too. Checking out the amazing Shoppster, for example, might give you tons of options to choose from, as well as great prices, and what’s even better is that you won’t have to lower your expectations and compromise on the quality of the gadgets you’re buying.

Look for reviews

Since you’re unable to see, touch, and feel the stuff you’re buying in person before they come to you, you need to find another way to ensure you’re making the right choice. Doing that isn’t easy in the online world, but if you look for reviews, you may be able to differentiate high-quality items from those that aren’t. 

Still, not all reviews and reviewers are the same, and only those who are reputable and knowledgeable deserve your attention. If you stick to paid promotions and reviews that are neither accurate nor true, you won’t be able to equip your home, and particularly your kitchen, with great gadgets and you’ll just end up losing your money. However, once you start buying stuff online and being satisfied with your purchase, you’ll also find reliable reviewers whose opinion you’re going to value – and once you do that, you’ll be happy to buy everything they recommend!

Think twice about the colors

A laptop is displayed on the table next to the smartphone.

One of the problems of buying stuff online and not seeing it beforehand is that you can never know what something is really going to look like once it’s delivered to your home. This isn’t true just for the size of the stuff you’re going to buy, but for the color as well, which is more than vital when equipping your entire living space and wanting to achieve a certain look.

Sometimes, the colors on your computer screen are different from the stuff you see on your mobile phone and even more different from the color a certain thing has in real life. So, there are two things you have to do – don’t have big expectations when it comes to colors, and try not to be too disappointed if you’re not completely happy with the stuff you’ve bought. Instead, think twice about the colors, stick to simple solutions, and look into the Return & Refund Policy just in case.

Collect at store

This is an amazing way to make the most of both worlds – buying stuff online and collecting them at stores means you’ll be able to use all your online coupons, discounts, sales, and promotions and you won’t have to pay for your delivery! Most online stores function this way and allow you to use the “collect at store” option when paying for your stuff, which is one of the best-case scenarios, especially when purchasing tons of items at the same time.

And if you’re equipping your entire living space, this is precisely what you’re doing, which is why collecting your stuff at the store is so great. Instead of paying the delivery guy and cluttering your entire home, you can easily pick your items up at the store and bring them back home yourself. Of course, if you’re buying fridges or other large items, opting for home delivery is a better idea, but collecting everything else at the store is quite fine.

Buying stuff online when equipping your home is the best way to make sure it’s personalized and perfect for you and your family. This will encourage you to fall in love with your place more than before, so start browsing the Internet and buying things straight away!


Must-Have Adventure Gadgets for Exploring the Great Outdoors

Getting out of the house and exploring the great outdoors is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental well-being. Whether that means breaking out the map and looking for exciting hiking trails or visiting different local campgrounds, heading outside is a great way to spend quality time either solo, working remotely, or with friends and family while reconnecting with Mother Nature – something we could all use more of these days.

While you’re making plans about the areas you’re going to explore, it pays to know the exact tools and add-ons that you need to pack in order to ensure a fun and fulfilling, but also safe outdoor experience. With that in mind, here are five must-have adventure gadgets for exploring the great outdoors.

A backpack and a bivy sack

Every outdoor adventurer needs a trusty backpack to support them in their journey and keep everything they need to be stored safely. A rule of the thumb is to stick with lighter ones – such as smaller backpacks and daypacks – since you’ll be moving a lot and you don’t want to carry too much weight everywhere you go.

Other than the backpack, you’ll also need a camping shelter if you plan on spending the night out in the open. While your first thought may be to reach for a tent, depending on the conditions and the weather, you could also opt for a bivy sack. Lightweight and easy-to-pack, it’s a cover for your sleeping bag that will keep you protected against the elements – sans the hassle of setting up a tent.

A first aid kit

First aid kit
The first aid kit contains all the necessary medical devices

No one likes to think about what could go wrong during their outdoor adventure. Even if you’re a seasoned hiker or camper, that doesn’t mean you should head anywhere without a first aid kit. Accidents happen, and for you to feel safe while exploring the wild, it’s necessary that you bring a kit consisting of (but not limited to):

·         disinfectant ointment or cream

·         pain reliever

·         gauze pads

·         bandages

·         sterile wipes

·         tweezers

·         scissors

Even a minor cut or bruise needs to be taken care of immediately, so make sure you have these items with you at all times. Some other useful items to bring include sun protection, insect repellent, and a water purifier.

A sharp object (or two)

Being prepared is key when venturing into the wilderness. Chances are, you’re going to have to tackle some challenges along the way, and you need a trusty companion to get you through. That’s why it’s always a good idea to pack a sharp object or two and keep them at hand at all times.

Whether we’re talking about slicing food, cutting branches, or keeping yourself safe in case of emergency, trusty tools such as a reliable switch blade knife go a long way in making sure you’ve got everything you need for overcoming obstacles when out in the wild. Not only will this handy piece of equipment make your outdoor experience a lot smoother, but it’ll also help you stay safe, especially if you’re a solo adventurer.

A camping stove

Just because you’re spending time out in the wild doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) enjoy some hearty, delicious meals you usually prepare at home! Cooking out in nature can be just as enjoyable, if not even more, especially since you’ll likely be using just one single cooking tool – the camping stove.

Not only does this help simplify the entire outdoor cooking process but there’s also less mess to clean up after you’re done. All you need is a fire log for your outdoor cooking tool and some camping recipe inspo, and can start preparing everything from hearty soups and stews to corned beef hash and one-pot wonders.

Navigation tools

Finding out that you’re not moving in the right direction can be frightening, which is why navigation tools are a must when planning to spend some time out in the wild. Whether you’re preparing for hiking or going camping, never leave without a compass, a map, and a GPS device.

Tools like these offer support by making sure you’re on the right track, and there are many options to choose from. And while electronic devices are easier to use, classic navigation tools such as compass are very reliable, which is why they should be a must on every hiker and camper’s packing list.

Wrapping up

Nature is full of wonders, and exploring everything it has to offer is as beneficial for our body as it is for our mind and soul. However, staying safe should always be your top priority wherever you’ve headed, so keep these tips in mind. They will give you peace of mind knowing you’ve brought everything you need for your adventure in the great outdoors.

Headset Brands

What Are The Most Popular Headset Brands and Why

The pandemic has caused a lot of individuals to be forced to work from home. Also, since everyone has been forced to remain in their homes, gaming has seen a surge. Both reasons are why many people are looking for headsets. Below is a list of the most popular headset brands, in no order, and why they are the most popular headset brands. 


Bose is currently the official headphone and headset of the NFL. This has contributed a lot to the popularity of Bose headphones since the NFL is a multi-billion-dollar industry. 

Bose headphones are popular for their comfortability, sound quality, and noise cancellation features. These headphones are quite expensive and have received criticism for the build quality of their headphones. However, these headphones provide great sound quality, and the noise cancellation that is provided by Bose headphones is phenomenal. 


Like Bose, Beats headphones are the official headphones of a major sports league. Beats headphones are the official headphone and headset of the NBA, USA Basketball, and the WNBA. This has led to Beats gaining popularity. 

The Beats headphone brand had already been one of the most popular brands prior to being the official headphone of basketball. The company was founded by Dr. Dre, who is a famous music producer and rapper. This sponsorship of basketball has only increased their popularity. 

Beats headphones have evolved over the 15 years that they have been produced. They now feature noise-canceling abilities and have become much more comfortable on the head and ears. This has also led to the popularity of the brand. 


Sony is a very well-established company and because of that their headphones have become popular in the tech industry. Sony is the maker of the PlayStation gaming console, and headsets are a big part of gaming. 

Sony’s headsets are used for gaming as well as casually listening to music. Sony headphones can cancel out noise. Also, Sony has produced earbuds for those who do not want a bulky headset. 


JBL has been a growing headset brand in the last five to ten years. They have recently sponsored the entertainment group, 100 Thieves. 100 Thieves is primarily a gaming group that plays games like Call of Duty and CSGO. This sponsorship has led JBL headphones to gain popularity in the gaming industry. 

JBL headsets are known for primarily being in-ear, but they also have actual headsets that you can use for gaming. The JBL in-ear earbuds are great for sport use as well as casual use. The headsets are great for gaming and can cancel out outside noise to help with your gaming experience. 


Skullcandy is a headset that was very popular five years ago, but recently they have not gained as much popularity. This is partly due to the other major headset brands that have been on the rise, but the Skullcandy headsets lack some of the features that other brands have. 

Skullcandy headsets are not capable of noise cancellation, which has become a popular feature. The Skullcandy in-ear earbuds are great for sport use and casual listening, but the headsets have suffered due to the lack of noise cancellation. 


Logitech is a well-known tech brand that also produces headsets. These headsets have seen a major boost in popularity due to the number of people that have been forced to work from home via Zoom. 

These headsets are not bulky like some of the other gaming headsets that are on this list. A Logitech headset has a slim design and features a microphone that you can use for Zoom calls when working from home. These headphones are also not very flashy, so they are great to use in a business setting. 


There are many other headset brands in the market, and many of those other headset brands produce products like the ones on this list. The headset market is very similar, and you may find a brand that you like that is not “popular”. The headset you purchase should depend on your budget and what you are using it for. 


5 Business Tools You May Not Have Known Existed

Technology is constantly changing and evolving. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends or even know specifics you don’t know about technology. Read on to understand a list of 5 business tools that may not be on your aware but are powerful and useful for modern-day business owners. 

GPS Tracker 

If you need an affordable way to manage your property, business, or even your company vehicles, then you need to know about GPS tracking. Tracking provides the ability to monitor one’s activities, and it has safety implications. Some GPS tracker has advanced tracking technology that keeps you in touch with your property without interruption. 

GPS tracking provides businesses with insight into their employees. Employees can record information regarding the company’s profitability, how well a product is selling, and whether the employees follow managerial decisions. This information will help an employer decide where to take the business to increase productivity and profitability. 

Google Sheet 

Google Sheets is a free and easy-to-use spreadsheet app from Google. It’s available on the web, an Android tablet app, and an iOS device app. With Google Sheets, you can create data tables to help analyze information or track trends over time. 

You can also use it to make charts and graphs for visualizing your data in new ways. You can also share those files with others, so they don’t have to enter the same data themselves—thus saving time and preventing errors along the way. Google Sheet will benefit your businesses by allowing you to save money by using fewer staff members for manual labor, such as entering data into spreadsheets one row at a time; this enables more efficient management of data and information by a few people. 


Slack is a chat app for teams. It’s perfect for businesses that want to keep in touch with their clients, partners, and employees. Slack has Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS (iPad/iPhone), and web browser versions. 

With slack, you can receive notifications from your team members about what they’re working on or have done while keeping up-to-date using the instant message system. You can even share files easily without attaching them to an email or sending them as attachments. Slack benefits businesses by providing better communication between staff members and clients, leading to more efficient workflow. 

Microsoft Office 365 

Office 365 is an online subscription version of the Microsoft Office suite. It includes all the desktop applications you need to work with your employees from anywhere: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook. Office 365 benefits businesses by saving them money; they do not have to buy software or handle its maintenance and don’t have to provide the bandwidth for employees to download a huge file. 

Microsoft Office 365 benefits businesses by removing barriers between colleagues that would prevent them from communicating effectively. This way, your business will reduce costs by not sending business documents via email as attachments, which is time-consuming and costly. It will also help reduce costs by giving employees access to the tools they need from anywhere without purchasing individual licenses for Microsoft Office for each employee. 


Trello is a free project management system that organizes your work into boards, lists, and cards. You can use it for anything from managing your household to running a company. With this tool, your employees will have the ability to collaborate on projects with their coworkers and share files easily without attaching them or sending them as attachments. The tool also makes it easy to add other users to your boards so that the whole team is working on the same thing together. 

Trello also helps small business owners stay organized while juggling all their responsibilities. This way, you will reduce costs by giving employees access to tools they need from anywhere without purchasing individual licenses for Microsoft Office for each employee. 

Closing Thoughts 

Whether you want to manage your team’s projects, track a shipment or keep tabs on the ever-growing number of social media channels out there, these five business tools can help. With all these tools, you will work smarter and make time for what is most important in your business. Using these tools, you will also keep track of where you are in relation to what needs to be done and assist those who need direction on how they should move forward with their work. 

Lap top

How Can Microsoft Office 365 Power Your Business

Businesses had an eventful year in 2020. In the face of change and disruptions, companies that had a strong digital infrastructure not only survived the year but many also soared exponentially. Microsoft Office 365 led the way by bolstering the backend ecosystems of enterprises and enabling them to facilitate remote work environments. 

If you haven’t yet adopted the comprehensive and scalable suite of Microsoft Office 365 services, now’s a good time to do so. Here’s how Microsoft is ushering the next generation of business productivity:


Collaboration has always been a critical aspect of businesses and Microsoft Office 365 has taken the challenges head-on. Microsoft SharePoint along with OneDrive and Exchange create a seamless ecosystem that’s always accessible in the cloud. Businesses can use SharePoint to build an intranet of different parties, delegate tasks, stay on top of updates, and handle file sharing and email communications. The web-based versions of classic apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint empower teammates to collaborate in real-time and share documents to work in real-time with third-party teams. 

Traditionally known for their classic desktop installed versions, Microsoft 365 today gives you the freedom to tweak the services however you want and access them from wherever you want. 


With remote work finding a strong foothold in business operations, collaboration is not the only issue anymore. The lack of physical presence in an office makes efficient communication a key factor in success. Microsoft has led the remote communication revolution during the pandemic with Teams. With the hardest days now behind them, businesses look to leverage the true power of Microsoft Teams to redefine their internal communication structure.

Microsoft Teams offers a streamlined UI for users to navigate elements quickly. The chat groups have granular threads, powerful search control, cross-channel communications, OneDrive, SharePoint, Calendar, and popular third-party integrations. In terms of calling, features like breakout rooms, data loss prevention, dynamic view, intelligent capture, and Microsoft Whiteboard support make it the most powerful collaborative tool for remote teams.


With the rising case of cybercrimes in virtual workplaces, security has become a cause for concern for businesses. Microsoft has rolled out a state-of-the-art enterprise solution that’s end-to-end secure. All the files being uploaded in the OneDrive cloud are encrypted and the security center gives you a detailed analysis of security status so that you can control the activities on a granular level. Administrators can also activate multi factor-authentications with the Azure Active Directory Admin Center and the Authenticator app. Microsoft regularly pushes out security patches to keep the systems secure for all businesses.


At the end of the day, Microsoft Office 365 gives you peace of mind. Thanks to a host of plans, ranging from Microsoft 365 Business Basic to Microsoft 365 E5, you can pay only for the services your business needs and not for additional features you don’t need.

With each new week, Microsoft is rolling out new features and services that aim to make business operations simpler, seamless and entertaining. To know more about how you can make Microsoft Office 365 work for your business, get in touch with certified Microsoft partners today!

Graphic Designer PC

8 Features Every Graphic Designer Should Seek in iMac Alternative Options

Apple has remained the No. 1 choice for graphic designers and digital artists due to its fantastic product range and iMac is one of them.  

But what if you want to switch from Apple product and buy a non-Apple PC? What particular features you’d want to have or how you’d rate a PC in comparison to iMac?  

Don’t worry! If you don’t know what exactly to seek into the iMac alternatives, this post is a perfect place to be. Below, you can find all the essential features that make your iMac alternative selection a worthy choice. Come, let us explain how you can pick the best iMac alternative! 


In order to pick the best iMac alternative, you must seek out the price, first.  

Since an iMac costs you around $1.5K or more, your selection criterion should be lesser than that. But before you select an AIO, be sure to check if it matches the kind of features that an iMac offers. 

Because there’s no gain in buying a PC that doesn’t keep up with an iMac as this would ultimately impact on your creative work.  

Screen Size 

As a graphics designer, it is the screen size that matters the most when it comes to buying a PC. Since you’re comparing all the prospective options with iMac, be sure that you pick a PC that is close to its 27” screen size. 

It’s because as a graphic designer you wouldn’t want to attach a second monitor with your PC to view everything that you need during the work. 

Graphics Card 

When we talk about an iMac alternative from a graphic designer’s point of view, the option must have a stronger graphics card that offers an awesome picture quality near to Radeon Pro 5300.  

For example, Microsoft Surface Studio 2 uses NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or you must seek an AIO that uses Intel HD Graphics 520 or its later releases. Because doing so would help you have a sharper, quick picture load time.  

Storage Space 

There’s one particular reason of iMac’s popularity amongst the creative beings and that’s because of its storage space.  

It offers minimum 512GB storage space!  

Now, if you truly want a worthy iMac alternative, you have to pick a PC that matches this storage capacity.  


Every computer has a brain that ensures a user’s swift processing experience so does the iMac with its Intel Core i9. Now, if you’re seeking an iMac alternative for creative work, you must pick an AIO that has a strong processor, too. Be sure to check its cores and also ensure that its either by Intel or AMD.  


The iMac uses 8GB RAM which enables it to store and show temporary data in a fraction of a second. Since your work mostly involves heavy editing programs and you’ll be accessing various webpages, it is important that you pick a PC that comes closer to iMac’s 8GB RAM.  


In order to pick the best iMac alternative, you must seek what kind of connectivity options are there. Since you’re performing creative work, mostly, on your PC so pick a PC that comes with more USB ports, WIFI connectivity and Bluetooth options, too.  

Because these are a few of the connectivity options that would constitute your smooth usage when you connect your wireless keyboard, mouse or integrate a touchpad for more control especially when doodling.  


Last, but not the least, you must pick an AIO (iMac alternative to be specific) that weighs comparatively lesser. It’d help you in many ways especially when you rearrange your work station, you won’t need to rely on another person’s help.


How to Choose the Right Field Service Management Software

Field service management is the key for all those enterprises that exceed the size of a single in-field team led by an entrepreneur themselves. 

With the right tool, it’s a lot easier to manage all your teams in the form of field service management software (FSM)

This way, you get to reduce costs, increase efficiency and make sure that all your teams fulfill their duty.

How to find the best solution?

In order to do this efficiently, you need to pick the right FSM software. There are two ways to do so. The first one is relatively simple, just go to the list of top field service management tools and pick one from the very top of the list. 

Second, you can also try reading some reviews; just keep in mind that you need to have a point of reference to understand them. Any offer can sound either impressive or underwhelming, depending on whether you have something to compare it to.

To help you figure out what you’re looking for, as well as whether the tool in question has what you’re looking for, you need to understand what makes a good FSM tool. Here are several essential factors for FSM evaluation and comparison.

Handling Business Operations

In order to provide you with the necessary assistance, field software needs to be able to handle relevant business operation services. The most common ones are:

● Contract management

● Work order management

● Scheduling and dispatch

Aside from this, FSMs need to be able to handle budgeting issues, as well as customer service issues like estimates and quotes. Those tools that can handle all of these tasks can provide your organization with a scalable end-to-end system that you can really come to rely on. 

While you may not feel like some of these things are a priority at the moment (you can still do it all manually), as your business grows, this might be harder and harder to manage.

Consulting Your Field Technicians

The very point of the field services system is the fact that it is supposed to manage a larger organization. In other words, making a decision on your own, without consulting anyone else on the subject matter, is never a good idea. 

Instead, you should consult your field service technicians and ask them for their opinion. You can even put this decision up to a vote. For those who still feel like they should be the ones spearheading such a pivotal decision, you can always narrow it down to two or three choices and let your teams vote it out.

Available on All Devices

Nowadays, people use all sorts of devices for work. This is why you need to ensure that any tool you pick (not just FSM) is supported on all devices. 

First, check which operating systems it supports. Ideally, you’re looking for Windows, Android, and iOS

Second, if your employees use their personal devices for work (which is highly likely), you might also have to introduce a BYOD (bring your own device) policy. This is a basic step of precaution that you need to take to ensure the security of your data.

Future-proofing Your Business

As it seems, the business world is currently moving towards AI integration at a rapid pace. Going for FSM software will make this integration even easier, seeing as how these automated processes will be more reliable and take even fewer resources. 

Through machine learning and deep learning processes, the concept of managing, scheduling, and coordinating teams in the field might make your business’s overall logistical structure even more dependable. The concept of machine learning has a chance to revolutionize the world of tech that we know today.

Documentation and Records Keeping

The next issue you need to take into consideration is the importance of keeping records and documenting every single one of these processes. This is important for several reasons like:

● Legal reasons

● Statistics and analytics

● Diagnostics

Even if everything is done right, you still might want to do a bit of analytical work afterward. If not, you may need to determine who the culprits are or where things went wrong. This way, you can improve your operational model and prevent these events from occurring in the future.

Supporting Hardware

When budgeting for your new FSM software, it’s essential that you understand that your expenses don’t end with purchasing the software licenses. 

You also need the hardware capable of running it. This includes a sufficient number of terminals in your employ, either provided by you or through your BYOD model (accompanied with a suitable policy). 

Some tools are so advanced that they’ll require specific minimum system requirements of your hardware. Keep this in mind before committing to a specific hardware purchase.

FSM Software Alternatives

Keep in mind that while an FSM is a great solution for many businesses, there are some alternatives depending on your current status or industry. For instance, you can go for fleet management software instead if you’re running a delivery chain. 

In reality, however, FSM can be quite helpful with fleet management, as well. A CMS (content management system) can be more efficient for businesses mostly working in the digital environment. 

In other words, it all depends on whether you need a holistic end-to-end system that covers a broad field of services or if you actually need a specialized tool.

Keep the Training Process in Mind

The FMS tool is software, and, like any other platform, it’s usually evaluated based on its intuitivenesstarget audience (beginner, intermediate, expert, etc.), and its UI. What you need to do is identify your key pilot users and know exactly who is going to spend the most time handling these tools. 

Then, you need to adjust your decision-making and choose the tool based on your own personal aptitudes. Bear in mind that this is fairly subjective and incredibly hard to do. Still, it is something to weigh in if you want to ensure that you’re making the right call.

Free Plan or Trial Period

Another great thing to look out for is whether the platform has a free plan or a trial period. This would provide you with a unique opportunity to either test or learn how to use FSM before you commit to it. 

Remember, once you make a decision, it is by no means final but switching to a different platform is not just an issue of a cost – you also lose precious time. You also make your team have to adjust to a new system, just as they’ve mastered the old one. 

All in all, having a chance to try it out for free (even though not a deal-breaker) is a great thing.

In Conclusion

Now that you are (at least partially) aware of all the fields in which FSM needs to excel to be a great asset for your enterprise, you can efficiently make an FSM comparison.

Look for the features they offer, compare costs of various tools, and, most importantly, make sure to base your decisions on customer reviews, as well. 

Only then will your decision be data-based and objective. Still, like with any other business tool, there’s nothing wrong with adding personal preference into your decision-making process.


Keyboard Paradigm: What is the Difference Between a Synthesizer, a Keyboard, and a Controller and Which One is Right for You?

In this pandemic, many people try a lot of gigs and explore new things to make them feel alive even inside their home. Some discovered their talent and unlocked their hidden skills. For enthusiastic music lovers out there, trying to learn a musical instrument can save you from wasting your time. This is a great way to show your friends and family the new incredible skill you learned. If you like to play musical instruments with just your fingers and create a melodic theater vibe in your home or make your party even cooler with some amazing DJ skills, then you’ve come to the right place. And if you’re unsure about the differences between a keyboard, a synthesizer, and a controller, then let us break it down for you: 

Musical Keyboard

For beginners, it is not the Keyboard you use on computers! The word Keyboard is also used to describe a musical instrument used to create sounds by pressing buttons. Most of them are portable and have the bass sound at the left-side and treble at the right-side keys. If you are thinking about a piano, you are right! Electronic keyboard instruments like pianos are related to keyboards. The main difference between pianos and keyboards is their keys. The former has lighter buttons and easier to manage. 

It is best to use it by beginners such as young children who need to be familiar with this instrument. Also, it will enhance their finger strength to be able to play other instruments with ease. 


This type of Keyboard requires an external source with recorded data of designated sounds to create music. It can only “control” the sounds if plugged into a device that contains the documented data. It looks like a piano and sends MIDI data to your external software.


It is a type of Keyboard that is considered an electrophone. It is the modern Keyboard since it makes sounds by digital chips via algorithms. Digital synthesizers are great if you want to be techy and if you want to discover something exclusively new. It is used by putting data, using your fingers to tap the keys, and it will automatically produce its designated sound.  With this instrument, you can create endless tunes and sound configurations. It will enhance your creativity and make you want more time to spend playing it. 

If you still doubt their differences, check this table out!

Device that generates soundDevice that generates sound via a digital source Has no sounds of its ownNO built-in soundsDevice that generates and contains all kinds of built-in sounds
Tells the controller and synthesizer what sound to playHas KeyboardHas Keyboard
Do not requires any form of voltsRequires external source such as a computerRequire triggers in the form of MIDI and volts
Standalone instrumentDesigned to control software configurationsCan be plugged into the amplifier
Can be analog or digitalDigitalCan be analog or digital
Perfect for beginnersRecommended for intermediate musicians and upRecommended for intermediate musicians and up More expensive than the other

Basically, the term Keyboard is a broad and general word for instruments with keys that you can use with your fingers. The Keyboard Controller has no built-in sounds, so you can’t play music with it alone. It needs an external device that contains the stored data. Lastly, the Keyboard Synthesizer has built-in sounds that can be connected to an amplifier. 

After knowing the basics, what is the one for you?

Before considering buying one, it is important to note that the type and price should not be the priority to start your music career. Thus, your passion is to produce music and utilize it to give you and other people happiness. You must first assess yourself based on your future goal and what skill levels you want to earn. You can choose the best device with ease after these steps. 

Specifications to Consider Before Buying the Right Instrument for You


If you are a casual learner or a beginner and need to enhance your finger strength, this instrument is the one for you. Keyboards are portable and incredibly lightweight, with up to 76 keys. Do not worry since it has hundreds of tones and dozens of options to select with. Keyboards are not expensive and portable. It is recommended to find a slim key keyboard equipped with a 64-step arpeggiator. You can store up to eight memories and play eight pattern styles with this one. Look out for a capacitive-touch pitch bend and modulations trip with USB ports and power adaptors to use the instrument as a piece of standalone equipment. A good Keyboard has 12V modern gear support that allows you to record chords and play with them. If you want portable Keyboards, an item that weighs 3 pounds is the one to find. 


Choosing Keyboard Controllers will let you enjoy the upbeat vibe even more. Most Controllers allow you to play different notes louder than usual. Since this instrument needs to use external computers, you can play a program like authentic drumbeats and minimal music. Suppose you want to step up and add more diverse music configurations. In that case, it is recommended to choose Novation Launchkey 49 [MK3] MIDI Keyboard Controller for Ableton Live for its capability to create programs using Novation Components that you can utilize by using a browser. The product’s arpeggiator allows you to experience creating tunes with amazing patterns you can mix with. 

To fully enjoy the Keyboard Controller, find an instrument that has eight scale modes. They usually come with modern sensitive pads for splendid navigation over the software’s dynamics. Enhanced 8 x 8 grid of RGB velocity plays smooth melodies with lively beats via external MIDI hardware. For musicians who perform in front of the crowd, Launchpad Pro with five modes and excellent scale function with 32 keys will never let you feel the pressure of pressing the wrong keys.


If you are a techy person who likes to use modern style electronic instruments, synthesizers will be the best match for you. Endless music configuration for an entry-level is not that hard to figure out when Synthesizers with a tone of unique synth engines with a solid arpeggiator and diverse sequencer will give you better sound qualities.

Analog Synthesizers also come in handy if they have an incredible KeyStep-style sequencer with the MiniBrute 2 model allowing you to witness the modern style of music that everyone loves to hear. Paraphonic Keys with their voltage-controlled amplifier will automatically sync your notes even if you pressed other keys that blend naturally to your music.

Finding a synthesizer that is all about the music quality and smoothness of symphonies rather than the volume it can make is important to remember.


Pros and Cons of Smart Home Automation

Some of us have a love/hate relationship with technology. We love how convenient it is for increasing efficiency and the many ways it helps power our lives. On the flip side, we fear things like data breaches, identity theft, and hacking exploits.

In most cases, the downside can be neutralized by taking a few basic precautions.

The same can be said for smart home technology. We love the luxury of having our indoor environment managed to our preferences, 24/7 security monitoring when we’re asleep or away, and the cost savings that comes from conserving resources through automation.

Like every form of technology, there is an upside and a downside.

Before we get into those, we’ll provide a brief definition of smart home automation and tell you a little bit about how it works.

What is Smart Home Automation?

Smart homes and smart home automation are not quite the same thing. The terms are often used interchangeably, and they’re closely related.

However, Smart Home refers to the networked devices that can be controlled via your home internet connection from anywhere. Home automation is the technology that makes it possible to connect and control these devices.

You’ve no doubt heard of the Internet of Things (IoT)? This is part of it.

Home automation is what allows you to network and configure devices that control the temperature in your home, start your car on a cold day while you wait inside all cosy and warm, and coordinate your indoor lighting, stereo, and many other home electronics with little input or effort from you. You simply set a schedule or scene, and the automation does the rest.

The extent to which it can do this depends upon how it is set up and configured, which devices are connected, and how they’re programmed to interact with other devices.

Smart Home Automation works by programming a hub or multiple hubs that you can then activate from your phone or via voice activation. The most common proprietary home assistant is Alexa, but there are great open source systems, such as Home Assistant, that some consider to be more private and secure.

The difference is that the first is a premium, cloud-based home automation platform and the second is local. Home Assistant is free and open source, but you can add a cloud component for a subscription fee, which would convert it into a hybrid service.

Now that we know a little more about smart home automation and how it works, let’s take a closer look into whether it’s worth it to install or a dangerous capability that you should avoid.

5 Advantages of Having a Smart Home

Do you remember the days when you would need to take a day off from work because a repair technician was coming to install your cable or replace a major home system? With smartphone automation, you can let them in your house from nearly any physical location and use an app on your phone to monitor what’s going on inside your home while you’re away.

Setting up a smart home is remarkably easy and requires no in-depth tech knowledge, though it can be a bit pricey, to begin with. However, keep in mind that it’s a small price to pay for the benefits of remote access and 24/7 visual monitoring of your property. These are just a few advantages of venturing into smart home technology. Here’s another 5 listed below on why you should seriously consider smartifying your home

1. Energy Efficient

Did you come from one of those households where the parent(s) were constantly walking through every room and turning off the lights or complaining when the utility bills arrived in the mail? Smart home automation eliminates this problem by allowing you to configure lighting, thermostats, water, and even your light bulbs to turn on or off on a set schedule. You can also configure and coordinate systems by season, occupancy, time of day, and other metrics in order to conserve precious resources and cut consumption.

That means greater efficiency and lower bills.

Another money-saving feature is built-in sensors that tell you when it’s time to change a filter, service your system, or that you might need a repair. This is a much more sensible solution than waiting for a breakdown or inefficiency that puts strain or wear on your home appliances and systems.

2. Hands-free Convenience

With voice activation, you can tell your home assistant to preheat the oven, record your favorite show, turn on the lights, or even fill the tub. This feature is also great for those times when your hands are full and you need to multitask.

3. Enhanced Security

From remote monitoring to round-the clock surveillance, smart home technology offers enhanced security. You can set your door locks and alarms or see who’s at the door while you’re away. If there’s a problem with your stove or furnace, it can shut down automatically and send a service request straight to the plumber or HVAC technician even if you’re on a business trip or vacation.

4. Save Time With Automated Tasks

Wouldn’t it be great if you could program your home to have the indoor temperature and lighting set to your preferences before you arrive home from work? No more fumbling for your keys at a darkened doorway or bumping your shins on the end table while you feel around for the lights.

Whatever compatible devices or preferences you need can be automated and customized to save time for things that really matter.

5. Access control

This not only saves money and alerts first responders when there’s a fire, medical emergency, or break in attempt, it also makes homes and home systems more accessible for the elderly and disabled.

The Downside of Smart Home Technology

”People assume that the smarter your home, the better your life. But in reality, technology so often gets in the way of leading a good life.” ~ Joe Gebbia, Designer

Of course, for every advantage, there are certain disadvantages. The trick is to determine if the benefits are worth the risk.

To our minds, these are the main liabilities you face when installing smart home automation and how to minimize those risks.

Security and Privacy

Anything that’s connected to the internet or has remote access can be hacked. There’s no way to make home automation 100 percent impenetrable, but there are things you can do to minimize risk.

First of all, don’t connect all systems and devices to the same network. Most modems will allow you to segment your networks, so you can have one connection for computing, one for visitors, a separate network for security monitoring, home appliances, and your furnace. Check with your IP service for more information about setting up your network.


Although it’s becoming more common, the technology is still out of reach for some people. First, determine if the savings offer an ROI that offsets the cost. You could also implement more critical features, such as a remote doorbell or video monitoring first, and then add technologies or devices as your budget and requirements change or increase.

Setup and Configuration

Sometimes, even someone who’s tech-savvy can have a difficult time setting up or configuring devices. Many companies offer tech support and installation/setup assistance. Even if there’s a small fee attached, it’s worth the price to avoid improper configuration and hassle.

Do the Advantages Outweigh the Risks? Final Thoughts About Smart Home Automation

When precautions are put in place and it’s properly installed and maintained, smart home technology offers many advantages. In fact, it’s projected that by 2025, global home automation investment will reach $133.2 billion. By that point in time, it’s estimated that there will be more than 30 billion active IoT connections or networked devices.

In other words, this technology isn’t going away any time soon. The automation will also become more affordable and secure as it evolves, diminishing several of the disadvantages.

Our best advice to you is to evaluate your own needs and budgets to determine how – and how many – smart home capabilities will improve your life.