Category: Products


Best Software Solutions for PCB Design

With the electronics market getting more innovative by the day it is important that the design software that is in place to support this is as innovative also. If you think of the size of a circuit board today compared to 10 years ago – now they are tiny whereas they used to be massive.  This is all down to better technological advances in the electronics field and one that continues to be extremely innovative.

When you think of the designers of these products, the room for error on such a small appliance is quite big which further supports the need to have really good software for layout design which can keep up with today’s routing demands.  There are many different packages out there now with the changes to support creative design engineers.

What To Look For In A Software Package

No matter what level of detail you want to get into with the end component that you are making, you will still be looking for a software package that makes it all very simple for you.  These software packages on the internet look extremely complex but they don’t need to be.  Here are some things that in a modern software package you would be looking for:

  • Storage – It sounds a no-brainer however you would be surprised the number of times you hear that people have run out of storage space in their library. Make sure that you check this out before purchasing and ensure that the storage space that they offer is adequate for your needs. Clearly, you want to keep as much of the original items in your library and do not want to have add-on storage options.  Most modern software solutions have ample storage space.
  • Simulations – When you have finished designing a product, wouldn’t it be great if you could run a simulation to understand how it actually potentially performs? Most modern layout design packages have this option. Not only can you run it on individual components but you can assemble your products together and run an assembly simulation. Before the days of simulation, design engineers relied heavily on the robustness of their design and even the outcome of any FMEA activities that they would complete supporting this.  If you do not run a simulation, you run the risk of designing components that are not fit for purpose and it is only when they have been manufactured that this all becomes clear.  It’s much better to be pro-active.
  • Advanced Tools – When you think of advanced tools we are talking about things such as different views. Most modern software packages will have the option to complete the design in 2D or even 3D. The majority of designers prefer to complete the component level design in 2D but then move on to the 3D for the assembly, but you have your own choice on what best suits you.

Bear in mind that these software packages will also update very regularly, therefore, keep an eye out from the retailer or software originator to ensure that you get any updates downloaded.


Facebook Advertising 101: How to Create Stellar Ads That Work

Image via Pixino

It’s no secret that Facebook is the premier online advertising tool for businesses. Rightfully so, Facebook’s advertising platform makes it simple for marketers to conduct granular searches for an ideal target audience. With this useful function, the task of creating beautiful ads is entirely left up to your prerogative and ability, or you can opt for some of the tools that can help you with dynamic creative.

Frankly, advertising on Facebook isn’t as convenient as it may initially seem. There is a wide range of obstacles modern advertisers face, even on Facebook’s advanced platform. One of the primary issues advertisers face is building ads that actually work. Now, how is the word “work” defined in this context?

You guessed it. I am simply referring to the complexity of encouraging people to view, engage, and click on your ads. Otherwise, what’s the point of creating business ads in the first place?

So, how can you develop outstanding ads that capture the attention of your target audience? What are some creative and innovative ways you can design your ads to achieve optimal results? Overall, how can you get the most return for your advertising investment?

Read on to learn how you can create stellar ads that will actually work for your business.

Coordinate Your Ads with Your Campaign’s Landing Page

When you are creating your Facebook ads, it’s essential to coordinate your ads to the content of your campaign’s landing page for two primary reasons.

First, you’ll receive a substantially higher Ad Relevance rating, giving you the incentive to pay less per click. Facebook Ads are starting to become more competitive, and its CPC rates are steadily rising as a result.

Next, align your ads with your landing pages can boost your conversion rate. When interested buyers click on one of your ads to make a purchase, they expect to receive exactly what they were promised in the ad. If this happens, your brand and your website can gain credibility with your customers who will likely do business with you again.

With the number of online scams spreading throughout the internet, trust is a determining factor to influence prospective customers to provide you with their payment information. Besides, the alignment of your ads and landing pages can effectively decrease your shopping cart drop-off rates.

Constantly Conduct Rigorous Experiments

Needless to say, all businesses are different. Each business has their own target audience, voice, and messages that they want to convey. Hence, you will only waste your time if you rely on industry research and experiments conducted by other businesses that attempt to inform you of how you should run your ad campaigns.

Try conducting your own experiments to generate marketing data you can use to analyze the advertising techniques that work for your business and the ones that don’t. One popular method of accomplishing this is to simply split test your ads.

You can begin by taking your best ad, making copies of it, and changing the headlines of each ad. When you’re finished, you’ll now have multiple ads to experiment with. During your experiment, record important data and metrics such as likes, shares, views, and comments to determine which ad receives the best response.

Once your first experiment is finished, move on to another element such as descriptions and images. Make sure you are testing one element at a time to gain the information you need to construct the perfect ad.

Invest in Video Ads

If you are creating fruitless ads that aren’t performing well on Facebook, it may be time to implement an innovative strategy to boost your ROI and conversion rates.

Investing in video ads is a perfect method of capturing the attention of your audience, and this option gives you the best opportunity to present a timely message in a creative fashion. Facebook allows businesses to create stunning video ads with their custom software, but it can initially be difficult brainstorming quality video ideas that will make your audience bow down and worship your products or services.

If you are struggling with the concept of producing the perfect video ad, take a look at Nike’s video ads for inspiration.

Nike Facebook Ad Video Embed Code

Nike’s video ads carry a motivational tone that successfully inspires their customers to purchase their products. Although Nike has a variety of celebrities at their disposal to market their products in these ads, you can craft an exceptional video and by just following this simple marketing principle: keep all of your ads relevant to your niche.

If you are running a barista, it doesn’t make much sense to create a video ad that’s full of promotions and no substance. What do individuals in your niche crave? For a barista, this obviously would be coffee.

Therefore, if you are promoting a free tasting event at your local barista, create a video ad that displays people drinking and enjoying your coffee and include a call to action at the end of the video. If a single picture is worth a thousand words, then a video should give you unlimited potential to spread your message to your audience.

Nike does this by displaying their products and allowing viewers to make their own decision about continuing with a purchase at the end of the video. Overall, investing in video ads are extremely efficacious for reaching your target audience. Nonetheless, be mindful that your video ads should tell your story and subtly promote your products or services.

Use Facebook Targeting to Your Ad Copy’s Advantage

When it comes to advertising your products or services online, it can be tempting to write your ad copy like you’re giving a speech on a stage. Though, if you want to be effective, create well-written ads that are personable. This means writing ads copy as if you’re selling to one person, and one person only.

This single individual is the person that you’ll have to convince to purchase your goods. Just as if you were a salesperson, you need to prioritize this person’s needs. Of course, your content has to be universal if it’s displayed on your website. However, Facebook gives advertisers the ability to narrow down granular audiences.

For example, if you are selling sportswear but want to create a message just for women, you can target your ads to women who are under 35 that live in the United States and are interested in exercising and fitness. Once you have your specific target audience, you can develop an ad that speaks directly to them.

Ensure That Your Ad Copy Matches Your Visuals

Most smaller business, usually in the B2B section, typically don’t have access to a ton of visuals for their social media networks. Consequently, when it’s time to create an ad, these businesses often scramble to find a last-minute image to accompany their campaign.

This can lead to creating an ad that mismatched. If your ad copy doesn’t align with your image, your audience will have no idea of what you’re advertising and your ad will be wasted.

Starbucks regularly posts captivating visuals that complement their ads. In their signature #StarbucksDate campaign ad, the copy mentioned that anyone who attended the event will receive a French press Caffe Verona with a delicious chocolate brownie. Do you know what images the company used in this ad?

You’re correct. The ad contained images of the French press Caffe Verona with the delicious chocolate brownie. By including a perfect visual in this ad campaign, Starbucks reminded its audience of what they would obtain if they attended their event, resulting in an outstanding ad.

Keep Your Call to Action Very Clear

The most effective Facebook ads have a clear and concise objective. Are you trying to obtain a lead, sell a product, or increase your brand awareness? Without this, your audience will see your ad, but they won’t know what to do or how to engage it.

Society6 sells and advertises custom cell phone cases, and their ads show the perfect example of how a call to action should be displayed.

This ad is much more than a beautiful depiction of quality iPhone cases; the ad contains a simple call to action that’s succinct and easily accessible to Facebook users. Once the image catches the eye of a prospective user, the only thing they will have to do is click “shop now” and they can move forward with their purchase.

Focus on the Offer, Not the Copy

Let’s begin this section by observing a quote left to us by the late Gary Halbert, one of the most brilliant advertisers of the 20th century.

“Strong copy will not overcome a weak offer but…in many cases, a strong offer will succeed in spite of weak copy written by marketing morons.”

In the broadest sense, Halbert communicated that a good offer will succeed on its own. This isn’t to say that excellent copy isn’t integral to an ad’s success, but the offer should always be attractive to be truly effective.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Offer #1

Offer #2

Both of these offers are great, but there is only one offer that truly stands out. Which is it? You would be correct at selecting the second offer, and here’s why.

Although the first offer promises 50% off a women hoodie, the second offer will obviously elicit a more emotional response from its audience. Hence, it’s a very bankable offer. If you’re a dog lover, you will likely purchase the shirt just to feed the shelter dogs without realizing you just bought a shirt.

This isn’t to say that you should begin your own dog shelter, but you’ll only maximize your ad’s potential if you can sweeten up your offer. The best method of doing so is to sell an item without your audience realizing you are.

The fundamental lesson in all of this is to create compelling ads that don’t directly sell your products. Allow your offer to speak for itself, you’ll successfully entice your audience to transform themselves into valuable leads for your business.

About the author: 

Rolando Herrera

VP of Marketing for Insignia SEO (Co-Founder)

Business Website:

Personal Website:

I’m a marketing executive and entrepreneur that enjoys helping people and businesses grow their concepts. I’ve worked in corporate for Disney, Boston Market, and many others and helped them deliver their brands to consumers. I’m currently a co-founder of a marketing agency, Insignia SEO, with business in over 50 cities in the US. My expertise is in Digital Marketing strategies that use Organic Marketing, Content Marketing, Paid Search Advertising, and Social Media as the delivery of information to the consumer. I have over 10 years of experience in the Tech and Digital Marketing space and I’m passionate about the fruition of a concept in the marketplace.


Online Videos; Why Are They So Successful?

If you’re a regular Internet user, you’ve probably seen more than one online video and more than two in the last few weeks. Don’t you find it much more comfortable to see the information you were looking for in a video, with images and a voice that explains it to you?

Online videos have become one of the most used tools by app development companies. It facilitates the promotion of their offers and services and reaches different sectors of the population. Although different individuals have different interests, they share a common interest: the use of the Internet.

We all know that the internet is available to any person, regardless of his/her location.

Advantages of online videos

However, online videos have many other advantages. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you the most relevant ones:

Low production cost

The ease offered by technological advances to be able to record on portable media such as mobile phones has made it possible for online videos to be possible not only for big companies with large capital. Online videos can be used by small businesses and even local businesses. It is not necessary to make online videos that rival the Hollywood blockbusters. However, you should not publish videos that offer a bad image of your business.

If you are a large company that has television ads, you always have the option of linking your online video with the advertising spot, creating synergies. Also, since the Internet allows you to measure the interaction of online video with the user, this will allow you to improve the effectiveness of television advertisements.

Do online videos impact on a company’s image?

It refers to catching the attention of the receiver. Online videos are important given its high attractiveness, which also allows certain brands or products to be remembered more easily.

Another important aspect of online videos is that it improves the differentiation of your business against competitors. It allows you to connect with the receiver through the images and emotions that you can awaken in him. All this translates into an increase in user confidence. It is necessary to note the need for creativity as a decisive factor for a video to trend or not. If you are successful, it is likely that your online video will be shared by the different social networks (the famous and sought after viral effect). This will increase your visibility and boost your sales increase.

Improve the permanence time of your web page

What is that? So simple: it refers to the time in which a user is on certain pages. Statistics have shown that users spend more time on websites that have online and explanatory videos than on those that does not.

It also improves SEO

It is also important to note how online videos improve the SEO positioning of your website. It is known that Google loves videos. So, if you add some videos to your website, you will improve your ranking position on Google search.

Do not let them copy you

A common and quite penalized practice by Google is the copying of content from other websites. However, copying an online advertising video is much more difficult. Therefore, in addition to enjoying greater security that you will not be plagiarized, you make sure that this one will be unique.

Do you want to make online videos to boost your business?

It is important to make online videos that will promote the image of your company. You should meet with top web development companies to hire WordPress developers to help you create websites where you can easily use online videos.

Do you want to make online videos?

Follow these steps when creating your website.

The first step is planning.

It is essential to determine, before its development, what are the objectives you want to achieve with your online video. You also have to know your target audience and be able to direct your video towards them.

The second step focuses on the recording of the online video itself.

It is important to clarify the importance of short videos, which provide more advantages than long videos. This is due to several reasons. In the first place, users do not usually watch long videos. It is also easier and faster for companies to create several short videos than a long one. Finally, the editing phase of these online videos is much simpler. It is also necessary to take into an account that there are many users who watch videos on portable platforms, whose reproduction is faster if those videos are short.

The next step is the editing of your online video.

A good tip is to insert the link to your web page in the video. In this way, if the user is interested, he can access your website to get more information. Another important thing is to include the logo or title that identifies and shows what the video is about. This will make it easier for the user to know what they are going to see. And, finally, you cannot stop making “a call to action” by encouraging the recipient to use or buy what offers.

Now that you have your online video upload it to YouTube.

Do not worry if you have no idea how to do it; it’s the easiest thing to do. First, you have to create a YouTube channel for free. Then you only have to upload the video by adding the relevant information. I recommend that you do not forget this last one since fields like the title or the description make it easier for the user to know what they are seeing.


If you want to increase the visibility of your online video, you only have to upload it to other social platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook. This will multiply the number of visits and the possibilities of sale.

Do you want to know the success of your online video? Well, go to the number of reproductions and statistics that the video shows you and thus measure your results.

Author Bio:

 Kenneth Evans is a Content Marketing Strategist for Top App Development Companies, a research platform for top app development companies in USA, UK, India, UAE, Australia and around the world. He has been contributing to various blogging platforms and Forums.


Tech Trends To Help You Save Money This Fall

Why not start the fall off with some of the latest gadgets that will help you save energy in your home? Many of these appliances come with remote controls or an app for your phone that will help you keep track of exactly what amount of electricity is being used in your home and when. Follow this guide to stay up to date on the latest technology trends.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are the next big thing for your home because they offer you complete control over your home’s central air which is good for the homeowner who wants to use the least amount of energy possible. They have tracking features that follow your heating and cooling patterns and they respond to your lifestyle in order to maximize efficiency and save you money. Smart thermostats can be programmed to run only when you’re actually at home and can often be connected to Wi-Fi and controlled remotely from your phone. Just remember if you are going to purchase a smart thermostat then investing in a home warranty plan can help you to safeguard the systems and appliances in your home. Home warranty plans are surprisingly affordable nowadays and can be purchased in most states, so if you live in Missouri you can find plenty of helpful home warranty resources on the First American website here:

Tankless Water Heaters

Water heating accounts for a significant amount of your total heating costs so why not upgrade your heating tank to the most efficient technology possible? The newest environmentally friendly trend is a tankless water heater that takes up only a small amount of space because there is no storage tank. Some units only turn on when your use your faucets which could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

The benefits of new water heaters outweigh the initial cost because installing one could help you qualify for rebates for energy efficient homes and using one will drastically reduce your energy bill because you’ll be using less energy to heat water. There are lots of options, so be sure to do your research into the best tankless water heater reviews to see which unit will be the best fit for your home.

Energy Saving Power Strip

Did you know that your phone charger still uses power even when your phone isn’t plugged into it? Smart power strips are beneficial to any home because they eliminate wasted energy by ensuring that your appliances aren’t running while you’re not at home and they help reduce cord clutter around outlets. Many of the newer models can be controlled by a remote or by an application on your phone so there is no need to waste any more energy when you leave appliances plugged in.

Smart Lighting Solutions Make Life Easier

Turning the lights off when you leave a room can save you a lot of money on your energy bill but it’s easy to forget to do. Many people are switching to responsive lightbulbs that are activated by motion sensors so their lights will only turn on once you’re in the room. Others are using smart LED bulbs that are designed to respond to an app on your phone that allows you to control the lights all over your house by timing them and dimming them to suit your mood. You can even get lights that change colours.

Fall is a great time to update the gear in your home. Not only will these gadgets help you reduce the amount of energy used in your home in order to save you money, they’ll help you show your friends that you’re on top of your game.


How Smart Locks Are Changing The Industry

Smart locks are electronic locks that are connected to smart devices. These locks are typically equipped on external doors, or those that separate the interior of a home from the outdoors. 

In most cases, smart locks are attached to the deadbolts of standard locks, allowing both traditional, physical keys and their electronic, “smart” counterparts to unlock the doors they’re attached to. However, some smart locks are only able to be opened with smart devices. 

Smart locks don’t let just anybody inside. Rather, smartphones, tablets, and computers have to be configured before using smart locks. In most cases, an application or software is downloaded onto a smart device. Logging onto those programs grants access to the smart locks they’re connected to. System administrators – parents, for example – can grant temporary authorization to guests or lower-level users – family members or children, for the example’s sake – as well as permanently add users to their smart locks’ configurations. 

What if the homeowner’s device breaks or is misplaced – can locksmiths gain entry to smart locks? 

Most smart locks are supported by secure, encrypted, Internet-based access platforms. If the only system administrator’s smartphone gets waterlogged and stops working, a locksmith can still pick or drill that lock manually as long as it has a keyhole. 

For the rare few smart locks without keyholes, system administrators can call the customer support line maintained by the device’s manufacturer to temporarily gain access to the smart lock or disable it entirely. Homeowners, renters, and people who are otherwise system administrators of their residences’ smart home networks must prove their identities to these support lines, usually carried out by answering questions that only those people could answer correctly


How to Choose a Dash Cam for Your Car

Have you ever seen unbelievable footage online that someone just happened to catch on their drive to the office? Although these entertaining videos can offer some respite from a boring workday, that’s not why people are buying dash cams and recording their commute. Dash cams offer an unbiased account of what happens on the road, meaning they could work to your advantage if you need to support your side of the story after a collision, identify another car in a hit-and-run, or catch the person who vandalized your parked car.

Dash cams are becoming increasingly popular, with one survey reporting that nine percent of people already use a dash cam, and 26 percent think it’s a good idea to have one. And Grand View Research firm projects that the market for dash cams will be valued at $1.8 billion (U.S.) by 2022. If you’re looking to get in on the trend and buy a dash cam for your vehicle, you’ll want to take these factors into consideration when picking the perfect camera for your car.

Video Quality

If you’re relying on any footage you capture to provide evidence in an accident (such as the license plate of a car that hit you and took off), you’ll want to opt for a camera with a higher video resolution. Many dash cams will offer a resolution of 1080p, which should provide sharp enough footage for your needs. When considering video quality, don’t forget that a camera with night vision is also a must-have if you’re driving in the dark, or else you won’t have a clear video if an incident happens when the sun is down. If you are in an accident and plan on filing a claim, when you meet with your auto accident attorney they will want to see the footage. Video quality should be clear enough to build a solid case on your behalf.


How much your camera stores will depend on a few things, like the size of its memory card and the video resolution (the higher the resolution, the more storage you’ll need). Check out whether the camera supports larger memory cards – many will be able to handle a 64GB card.

If you’re worried that you won’t have enough storage for your long drives even with a large memory card, you’ll want to make sure your camera offers loop recording. This function allows your camera to automatically record over old footage when it runs out of storage; just remember, you’ll need to download and save any vital footage from a collision before it’s erased. You can also invest in a camera with an impact sensor, meaning it immediately saves footage if you’ve been in a collision.

Fields of View

A dash cam records the view of your drive through your car’s windshield, so it won’t help if you’re hit from behind. To cover yourself from all angles, you can find a package that comes with both a dash cam and a rear view mirror cam. Because you’ll be recording twice the footage, you may have to settle for a slightly lower resolution.

You can also find cameras that record while your vehicle is parked. A camera with buffered parking mode, for example, continuously records while your vehicle is parked, but only saves the footage if an impact is detected.

Other Features

An automatic on/off function will start and stop recording when you turn your engine on and off. Since your dash cam is only good to you if it’s capturing vital footage, this feature ensures you never forget to record your drive.

Some dash cams also come with GPS. While this won’t provide you with navigation support, it will log the speed and location of your car, which could be handy for arguing against an unjust speeding ticket or keeping tabs on your teen driver.

In addition, you’ll want to decide whether or not to purchase a dash cam with a screen, which would allow you to review footage immediately, rather than downloading it to your computer for viewing. The downside? The screen takes up extra room, obstructing more of your view from the windshield and potentially acting as a distraction.

Finally, take a look at how your camera will be mounted to your vehicle. If you’re switching it between cars, you’ll want something that’s easy to regularly install and remove – likely with suction cups. If you’re keeping it in one vehicle, a more secure mounting option might take a little longer to install, but will ensure it stays put regardless of extreme temperatures or an impact.

Although car insurance providers don’t currently offer a discount for installing a camera on your car, a video recording from your dash cam could be used to support your claim in the event of an accident. At the very least, you might just record a viral video that will provide a moment of fun for office workers around the world!

Featured image copyright: asawinklabma / 123RF Stock Photo


USB PC Repair Kit Resource List

PC Repair System

I was thinking a PC Repair Toolkit Resource Section would be nice. There are a variety of free and/or open-source tools for file recovery, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-malware, system info & system maintenance.

With a wide open description of the system, I was free to put in pretty much whatever I wanted to.

System Contents

There is a lot of work from different people that go into the applications in this system. In general, I just put the system together and make it work as one. This is a list of all the programs on the system, giving credit where credit is due.


What’s So Special About Projectors?

Total Immersion
A novel will allow you to enter a world of your own imagination. Once you get to a certain “fugue” state, you’re able to segue through the scenes in a given narrative in such an immersive way it really seems like you’re living in that work of fiction’s universe. But not everyone learns to read well enough to get so immersed.

Meanwhile a film allows you to experience an even greater sense of immersion. Instead of proactively advancing the speed of the plot’s unveiling with your ability to read, the film itself pulls you along. It’s the difference between riding a bicycle and a roller coaster.

But there’s a limit to immersion. If a film is immersive, you’d think virtual reality would be even more immersive, but the truth is that in the back of your mind, you’re forced to hold onto reality. If you don’t, not only can it be unhealthy, it can kind of mess with your head. Plus there’s the nausea factor.

Beyond dreaming, film represents a perfect balance of immersive storytelling and freedom. Yet when you watch a film, there are certain ways to get into its narrative which will make you even more involved in the story. If you’re on the market to set up your own home theater system, there are a few things to keep in mind.

The Sound System
Certainly your sound system will be a big part of it. You’ve certainly heard of that immersive
innovation “surround sound”. This makes it feel as though a raptor from Jurassic Park is in the room with you, or you’re on the deck of a star destroyer chasing the Millennium Falcon through an asteroid field. You want the sound right.

However, a film’s point is primarily concerned with the visual aspect. To such a degree, as a matter of fact, that propaganda has become more effective than ever in modern times. You’ve heard the maxim “seeing is believing”. Fictional narratives today are so intense, many people use them to inform their real lives.

So if you really want a home theater system that is as immersive as possible, you want a home theater system that has excellent picture. To that end, you may want to think larger and wider than traditional television screens. You can get a more immersive experience more cost-effectively using projectors.

When you’re looking for movie projector screens, you want a solution like those available from, a site which boasts: “Over 40,000 screens and accessories to choose from.” With a projector, you can increase or decrease the size of a film you’re watching. Additionally, these can be directly connected to computers.

Surprising Options
With a projector, there are options which are cost-effective and also not too large. Some are even pocket-sized. You can use them to portray a film on your roof, then lie back and watch it unfold from the comfort of your bed before drifting off to sleep.

Then there are video games. These are a big part of modern society. It seems like everyone has one favorite game or other these days. With a projector, you can make that video screen larger than ever. Now, certainly, the brightness can be an issue; but there are many screens which are visible in day or night.

And let’s be honest: if you’re really doing things right, you’ll be watching the film in a darkened room to begin with! That’s the way to do a movie right. If you haven’t considered the advantage of projector screens, today they’re certainly worth considering!