Category: SaaS


A Detailed Analysis of Social Media Management Organization

Online life began as a fun method to interface with family and companions and has now become into a moderate, fundamental showcasing methodology for organizations and all things considered. Sadly, numerous organizations are overpowered by each of the assignments that go into dealing with various messages crosswise over numerous online networking accounts. And, they are contracting specialists to deal with it for them. On the off chance that you appreciate tweeting, sticking and sharing, at that point beginning social media handling organization may be for you. Here are some of the steps to begin.

The role of a social media consultant

After you have taken the responsibility of handling the social media channels, you have to get into the shoes of a social media consultant. To understand your roles and functions, you have to know the job of a social media manager. The SM manager has to execute numerous services catering to the needs of the clients. The services that come under their supervision are as follows:

  • To create showcasing systems dependent on customer objectives.
  • Web-based life account set up.
  • Post designs and content in the interest of the customer.
  • Remain current and offer on patterns and news applicable to the customer’s the same old thing.
  • Gaining more followers.
  • Network assistance to the customer’s objective market.
  • Client administration for the customers.
  • Creating a report to keep a track on the procedure.

You might think that it is too much work. Hence, before you end up changing your decision, take a look in the next section of this article.

A deeper analysis

Every coin has two faces. Similarly, every enterprise has both some cons as well as pros. Hence, it is essential to know all the pints. The following section will highlight the brighter and well as cloudy aspects.


Here are numerous valid justifications to consider beginning the management task.

  • Getting paid to utilize online networking, if that is something you as of now appreciate doing.
  • It doesn’t take many ventures or gear to begin particularly in the event that you as of now have a PC and Internet administration.
  • You get to observe your business proceeding from any place of your choice. The only criterion is to have access to an internet connection.
  • You can concentrate on the one or couple of online life locales you know best, rather than knowing each and every web-based life stage.
  • The requirement for online networking directors keeps on developing as increasingly solo-preneurs, consultants and independent companies redistribute this undertaking.

Points to Consider

Obviously, there are a couple of points that you need to consider before beginning a web-based life the executive’s business.

  • Internet-based life is a test for one individual dealing with their profile; it’s much increasingly hard to deal with a few organizations’ profiles.
  • Not all organizations comprehend the intensity of internet-based life, so you may need to offer them on the advantages you can give.
  • You speak to the organization, not yourself when you’re doing web-based life for other people. This implies you have to follow up for its benefit dependent on its tone and disposition.
  • You have to remain alert of the changes in approaches, calculations, and different parts of every internet-based life stage with the goal that your endeavors in the interest of the customer keep on conveying results.
  • Alongside a comprehension of how to draw in your customers’ intended interest group, you likewise should probably make designs to pull in them to the post in any case.
  • You will probably need to put resources into devices, for example, booking administrations and eminence free designs, and illustrations altering programming.

Qualities of a social media consultant

Even though courses in online life the executives are springing up, turning into an internet-based life director requires experience more than instruction. So, there are things online networking administrators need to know past how to take a decent selfie.

1. Comprehend web-based social networking as a showcasing instrument

It is one thing to get a group of supporters to a feline traps YouTube feed, and it’s another to manufacture a following for a business. Online life promoting is not quite the same as conventional showcasing, which is the reason numerous organizations battle with it. Online life is tied in with having a fascinating, enlightening, or potentially engaging discussion with the market.

2. Information about the subtleties of the different stages

There is nobody estimate fits-all with regards to posting via web-based networking media. Every stage has its principles and techniques for best-promoting practices. How a business advances on Instagram ought to be not the same as how it showcases on LinkedIn, because every stage is boundlessly extraordinary.

3. The capacity to create techniques that meet the customer’s objectives

Powerful online life showcasing requires defining objectives and afterward building up an arrangement. Online networking chiefs likewise need to enable customers to comprehend internet-based life and how it functions, and work with them to create objectives that best fit web-based life. For instance, look into recommends that a couple of offers are made through online life. In any case, online networking is compelling at structure dependability and trust, so commitment and the rundown building would be preferable objectives over deals.

4. Have the capacity to catch the customer’s voice

If the customer is fun and idiosyncratic, internet-based life posts ought to mirror that. It is important to understand not just the needs of the customers, but also the preferences. Remember your social media accounts reflect a part of your personality and taste. People or followers tend to associate you with a specific attribute. And, they start expecting posts and content of that same altitude.

5. Capacity to deal with a few web-based social networking stages for some customers

There are a large group of instruments, for example, Hootsuite to help oversee stages, yet association and an arrangement are pivotal to guaranteeing each customer gets their online life needs to be met.

Hopefully, this article gives you a brief idea of the responsibilities of a Social media consultant. All the best for this new venture!


What Mobile App Security Will Look Like in 2019

With the recent security lapses at both Facebook and Google, it has never been more apparent that app security is crucial to the smartphone app user. The theft of pertinent information can lead to massive financial and identification loss as well as the cost of litigation and recovery.

Mobile apps have many of the same threats that you would find on a desktop app. They both use a network, go through a server and have an operating system with smartphones using either Android or iOS. 

Businesses nowadays need to partner with a solid app development company that is on top of security breach data, staying one step ahead of the digital thieves who never rest in their attacks. A company like Guarana Technologies has years of experience and will bring a number of added security features to any app they design. According to their security experts, mobile apps may be susceptible to:

Keylogging: A common attack method by hackers is keylogging, where keystrokes such as logins and passwords are stolen and recorded.

Screenshots: App screenshots can sometimes be used to access personal, sensitive information that is then extracted and used for possible ID theft.

Android only Overlay attacks: A digital attacker can use an overlay window to cover a legitimate app on the smartphone. When the app is used, the information is instead sent to the hacker rather than the intended destination and data is stolen. 

This, of course, begs the question: what tools are available to combat attacks on mobile apps?
A competent app development company will utilize tools to create a more secure product, partnering with the client to create a safe, secure app for their customers or employees. Here are some of the ways mobile app security has evolved to block the actions of nefarious data thieves. 

  • Version management: the continuous monitoring and updating of the app version that is installed
  • Authorized user controls: the ability to allow only authorized user access to the app
  • Time frame use: disabling the app after a certain time frame, such as a date or span of time (30 days for example)
  • Communication stop: Only allowing the app to run when it is able to connect to the server provided by the app developer
  • Data wipe: Certain criteria must be met in order for the app to work correctly. Data can be wiped if these are not met
  • Geolocation parameters: Location parameters can be set geographically so the app will not work outside those areas. The app will not work or will simply shut down or wipe the data outside of the parameters.
  • Unique PIN codes: Authorized users will have their own predesignated PIN codes to access the app which can be reset and authenticated through email.

Business apps in this day and age must have a solid partner when it comes to app development — a partner who recognizes the threats that are emerging on a daily basis. The recent security lapses at both Facebook and Google are a sign that now, more than ever, app security is an ongoing problem. Be sure your developer understands these threats and can provide security solutions you can trust.

You can check gameive for more android security related posts to make sure your android security is never compromised.


How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft Online

Identity theft or impersonation is a crime but it is very common these days. And the alarming part is that not many people are aware of the concept of identity theft. Viruses attacking an individual’s laptop or desktop was a primary threat to people in the past. Many telecommunication companies introduced measures like antivirus services as part of their Internet packages to protect consumers from any threat. For example, AT&T offers this feature.

Identity theft is something that individuals themselves have to protect themselves against. Here’s your guide to identity theft.

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is also referred to as identity fraud. It is a practice where a person uses another person’s identity or his personal information without permission. This information includes the following:

  • Name
  • Driver’s license
  • Social Security number

The criminals would then make use of this information to commit fraud. The nature of the theft is not restricted to one type only. Many different types of identity theft can occur. Because criminals are always in search of new ways to exploit others.

How is Your Identity Stolen?

It is not something that you would know about unless it happens to you. This is a rather scary part. Because the victim does not realize unless it is too late. In fact, in most of cases, you won’t know until you review your credit card history or the like. Which is even more dangerous because the maximum damage occurs by the time you realize about the theft. One thing that you should know is that there are various forms by which the data is stolen. Some of the common types of breaches include:

  • Mail theft
  • Wi-Fi hacking
  • Phishing and spam attacks
  • Malware activity
  • Dark web marketplaces
  • Data Breaches
  • ATM skimmers

Protection against Identity Theft

Here are all the ways by which you can protect yourself against identity theft:

Use of Passwords

You should be very careful about your use of passwords. Make sure that you protect all your digital devices using a password. Many people do not feel that it is necessary to ‘password protect’ their devices. While there are some people who think that it is a hassle, others just believe that there is no need to have a password. Well, seems like they are wrong to think that way.

There are also people (the absolute geniuses) who will use one password across all platforms. I mean the hackers don’t have to do much to exploit their information. It is always a good (read: best) idea to have a combination of passwords. You should have a different password for Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, for example. Note it down somewhere if the information is a lot for you to remember.

Stay Away from Shady Websites

Many crimes take place when you visit a shady website. You should always be very careful about the type of website that you are visiting. In case you are not familiar with what a shady or a skeptical website looks like, let me guide you. Identity thieves usually try to fool you into thinking that a certain website or an email is from your bank, for example. That is a very common trick.

Apart from that, they can even use website links that look similar to your credit card company etc. You need to act alert. In case, you feel that a certain website is not what you think it is, you should report it. Also, do not type your password or your username on any unfamiliar login screen.

Do Not Give Out Your Personal Information

Fraudsters have this common routine of calling various customers and pretending to be a representative from their bank or credit card company. They ask for personal details when they make such calls. You just need to remember one thing. You should never give your personal information to anyone over the phone. Avoid doing so. You never know who is on the other side. And the truth is that no legitimate company will ever call you to ask for your personal information. So no matter how genuine it may sound, do not share your personal information with anyone over the phone.


You have to play safe at all times. Be very careful. In case, you are not sure if the Internet service you have subscribed to offers protection against malware or not, then call the helpline. AT&T Customer service number or whatever the company is in your case is always working for such queries. So do not hesitate when in doubt.


How Law Practice Software Improves the Lives of Lawyers

Being a lawyer is not an easy profession. It is a demanding job that requires expertise and patience. Among others, one of the best ways to make it easier is through the use of a law practice software, such as what Rocket Matter can provide. How exactly can this benefit your job? Read on and find some compelling reasons to integrate it into your practice.

Improve Billing Management

With a law practice software, you will also essentially have legal billing software. The latter can be beneficial in terms of tracking billables. To add, you can also easily manage your invoices. You can have the latter customized based on the needs of individual clients. This will also allow you to send them in a timely manner, allowing your customers to pay on schedule. It can be effective in the elimination of all your billing headaches.

Get Rid of Repetitive Work

With the use of a top-notch law practice management software, it will be easy to streamline your work and get rid of repetitive tasks. It can help you to manage your workflows and provide an excellent platform for scheduling. You can also integrate it with other applications. This is one of the best ways for lawyers to become more productive. You no longer need to handle administrative tasks.

Take it to the Cloud

The cloud can offer numerous benefits for lawyers, and one of the best ways to take advantage of it is through the use of law practice management software. It allows storage of data without the need for physical space. The best thing is that it improves flexibility. You do not need to be in the office to access important documents relevant to the case you are working on. Even when on vacation and with the use of your mobile phone, you can view files that you need to review. There is no need to worry about security as it typically comes with state-of-the-art technologies to prevent unauthorized access.

Track Your Activities

Time management issues can make lawyers inefficient in their jobs. This is where law practice management software can be beneficial. It makes it easy to stay on top of your schedule and track your activities. Aside from the calendar feature, it also allows lawyers to create milestones. Once you complete a milestone, a new one will be automatically triggered. It lets you prioritize the more important tasks.

Collaborate with Others

Another good thing about using law practice software is the fact that it can improve collaboration with other lawyers, paralegals, clients, and anyone involved in the case. Some of the features that will make this possible include internal messaging, file sharing, and video conferencing. Because of creating a more collaborative environment, this can significantly improve efficiency.

Indeed, the right, law practice software can propel your legal career and take you to greater heights. It can improve billing management, get rid of repetitiveness, and enhance collaboration, among others.


Which Microsoft Azure Services Should You Pick for Your Next Application?

Microsoft Azure, which started its journey as Windows Azure in 2008, is now a digital force to reckon in the cloud computing space. It is one among the enterprise-grade cloud computing platforms that offer the trinity of cloud services – Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) under one roof. Each service has several offerings within it making Azure a vast sea of cloud-based services.

Image Credit: Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure also supports a number of third-party systems, programming languages, and frameworks under its ambit of offerings. Additionally, there are 600+ Azure services covering mobile, storage, data management, messaging, CDN, media services, computing and much more. Even the Internet of Things and Machine Learning are available under the Microsoft Azure platform.

In other words, it is a one-stop-shop for digital enterprises that want agility, flexibility, and quick scalability. But, the sheer range of services offered by Microsoft Azure makes it difficult to pick the right service for a business. Also, Microsoft being a continuous innovator keeps changing and updating its Azure offerings on a regular basis. So, a choice made based on last month’s study may not prove to be the right one today.

Although it is challenging, it is not impossible to pick the right Microsoft Azure service. Like any decision-making related to IT, the right Azure service can also be selected for your business by seeking answers to a few specific questions.

How much control do you need?

Each Azure service offers a slightly different degree of control over infrastructure, application calling, load balances and so on.

Image Credit: Microsoft Azure

IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) offers Azure Container Services and Azure Virtual Machines. They provide maximum control but also require you to take care of the updates and infrastructure maintenance. Even ensuring security for the applications would fall on your shoulders. IaaS would prove to be a good choice if you want to run development and test modules, need high-power computing or run isolated applications.

PaaS (platform-as-a-service) gives you control over the applications, all the data and how it will run. But, you will have no control over the operating system nor do you have the responsibility of controlling it.

The last one, software as a service offers very little control over the infrastructure. But, you will be able to derive maximum business value out of the system using applications built and maintained by someone else.

Where do you want to run your application?

Azure offers an elaborate cloud setup that can accommodate all your application requirements. But, there could be instances when you have to strike a balance of utilizing Azure Cloud as well as public cloud facilities.

If you want the application to run purely on Azure, then you have to opt for services like Azure Stack, Azure Public Cloud, or on-premises.

The extent of application usage

The extent of your application usage is another decisive factor in your choice of Azure service. Your application could be running round the clock (like a website) or could be a serverless application that runs on request. The infrastructure requirements for both scenarios are different.

In the always-on mode, you need to pick the classic model which has to be maintained and paid on a monthly basis. It will prove to be a good fit for applications that need to be up and running round the clock, like an online store or a customer service portal, etc. where customers are expected to check in at any time.

But, if your application is used rarely or during specific times which can be predicted, as a background application, then the serverless model is recommended. It is also charged on a monthly basis, so you won’t have to pay much to use the resources on a random basis.

Match your service functionalities to the app requirements

Apart from the control and usage, you also have to consider the functionalities each service offers to make the right choice. For instance, IaaS offers functionalities like VM ScaleSet, Virtual Machines, and Container Service. Platform as a Service offers App Service, Cloud Service, and Service Fabric. App Service will fit better for CMS like WordPress, Umbraco, Joomla, Drupal, and the likes. If running microservices is your requirement, Service Fabric which offers round the clock availability, containers, multi-cloud support, and scalability should be your choice.

The Final Choice

Making the right choice from the vast spectrum of Azure services is not an easy task. You will have to figure out all your requirements elaborately and in fine detail to find the right fit. In fact, there are several other types of requirement categories that you can explore like, analytics using Azure, securing applications using Azure, running applications using Azure and so on.

What we have explained above should help you get around making a fine choice of Azure services. 

Author Bio

Digital Marketing Manager with 7 years of experience. Passionate about the latest trends in Digital Marketing, Technology, Cloud Computing, Healthcare Development, and App Development.


Applying Automation Testing on Real Devices Vs. Emulators

There are a few differences between automated testing on real devices versus emulators. Majority of the companies consult automation testing companies for this purpose. Let’s do a comparison to evaluate the best way for your company to take with respect to your test automation practices.

Keeping this scenario in mind, we are presenting you the list of pro and cons of automated testing on real devices and emulators.

Benefits of Real Devices

  1. Testing actual world situations (network, location and weather etc.) are very simple and offer a deeper understanding of app functioning in various situations.
  2. Picture brightness in various lighting scenarios, screen resolution etc. can be very easily tested.
  3. Interoperability testing is much simpler with a real device.
  4. Device performance is quicker than conforming virtual frameworks. This means that assessing app performance will produce more accurate outcomes.

Drawbacks of Real Devices

  1. Conducting automated tests on actual devices is a relatively expensive affair, which would hinder projects that are restricted by time and budget
  2. Because of the wide range of platforms and devices, it is difficult to efficiently carry out testing in a limited time period
  3. In the app development phase for unit testing, actual devices are very difficult to link to the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in comparison with emulators, which would stifle the project.

Benefits of Emulators

  1. In the circumstances with extreme deadline pressure, attaining access to actual devices might be difficult. Therefore, emulators serve as a realistic alternative for testing in such scenarios.
  2. Budget constraints can influence the team’s decision to capitalize on actual devices. Virtual environments help to save time and money by permitting testers to continue with their tasks without spending on devices that may not be completely suitable for the specific tests they want to implement.
  3. Emulators are easily downloadable and open source.
  4. Web app testing can be done conveniently with the emulators.

Drawbacks of Emulators

  1. For protracted periods of evaluation, emulators are not suitable because protracted usage can be evaluated best on an actual device.
  2. The costs perhaps increase when your team notices that their emulator may be unsuited with certain app elements or apps. In such scenarios, they might require to invest in software patches to enable testing to continue.
  3. Perhaps the emulators support just a restricted number of mobile operating systems. This could render them useless in many scenarios.

After summarizing the pros and cons of everything, let us have a quick overview of some testing tools for the Android platform. This is the most famous mobile operating system these days and has an obvious option to consider.

MonkeyRunner: A famous tool where tests are developed in Python, MonkeyRunner can perform tests on both emulators and real devices. However, an important constraint in this tool is that you are required to write scripts for every device. Moreover, the test requires to be changed every time there’s a modification to the UI of the program being tested.

Ranorex: Can offer wide-ranging reports and pictures. However, the element search facility is a little inactive.

Robotium: Robotium is known as “Selenium for Android” which is a free UI testing tool. Nevertheless, you are required to allocate time with program source code to run your test automation suite. This is not completely suitable for interacting with system software.

Appium Automation framework: Utilizes the WebDriver interface to perform tests, and supports numerous programming languages and mobile web browser testing. Nevertheless, its reporting facility is not appropriately implemented.

In the light of the above discussion, QA teams are required to measure their own project necessities and decide what amalgamation of real devices and emulators would best suit their requirements for a given app, and what sacrifices they would be willing to make when selecting a test automation tool.

Author Bio

Ray Parker is a senior marketing consultant with a knack for writing about the latest news in tech, quality assurance, software development, and travel. With a decade of experience working in the tech industry, ray now dabbles out of his New York office.


The Secret Ingredient In The Online Dating Market With A Tinder Clone App

Modern technology is bringing a record change in the relationship between man and machine which is also impacting our interpersonal relationships. Sending hand-written letters to friends or loved ones has almost gained vintage status. The main reason behind this is the abundance of electronic tools redefining our communication modes.

A similar change can also be seen in our dating life as people are seeking out partners in the virtual space. This is leading to rhetoric popularity of dating apps. If you are thinking of devising a dating app, then you can walk in the footsteps of Tinder – the pioneer of such services.

Tinder gained an edge over its competitor apps with the revolutionary left swipe for dislike and right swipe for like. People previously felt shy while venturing into the world of online dating. The gaming spirit of Tinder is gaining an edge over this stigma. Keeping such a thing in mind, we have come up with a dossier containing the main causes of its success and things you need to keep in mind while building a similar app.

Stand Out Features of Tinder

  • You can log onto Tinder either through your phone number or Facebook ID. The basic information gathered from Facebook buffers its users from having to undergo a time-taking form-filling process while creating a profile.
  • Users can add a display picture and some brief information after their profile gets auto-filled. Usually, the Tinder profiles contain information pertaining to age, location, mutual interest, and mutual Facebook friends.
  • Proximity has an important role to play in applications like Tinder. People have an affinity of connecting with others living in nearby localities. This makes geolocation an extremely critical functionality in a tinder clone script.
  • Swipe is a unique value proposition of Tinder making the date fixation process an extremely entertaining affair.
  • Users of Tinder can adjust their discovery settings in accordance with gender, age, and distance. However, the search radius of a user stays limited to 10 miles while using the free version.
  • App developers cannot coerce users to interact with fellow users unless they share mutual likes. Thus, users can begin chatting with each other only after the match is made. Once the private chat window is opened, users can share messages, GIFs and even emoji to vouch for their feeling.
  • Tinder keeps on notifying its users about new app updates and matches which might suit their preference. This helps in maintaining user engagement and ensuring frequent returns.
  • The Snapchat and Instagram profiles of Tinder users can be integrated with their Snapchat and Instagram account for generating more interactions and conversations.

You can stand out in the online dating market by adding in a few more special features in your open source tinder clone like the following:

Implementation of advanced artificial intelligence algorithms which help in understanding the individual preferences of users for better results.

  • Spam messages can bring down the reputation of an application. Your dating app clone can have a spam detector in place for sending notifications to users whenever the same message is forwarded to multiple users simultaneously.
  • You can add to the credibility of your app by generating a risk score while signing up. Artificial intelligence helps in delivering a risk score by conducting ID verification. This feature brings down all chances of catfishing to create a safe online dating environment.

Apparently, most of these tinder clone script apps are available for free. In spite of that, there is a big opportunity for monetizing the same:

Freemium – This provides limited access to app users. They have to shell out an extra amount for availing the premium options like sensing GIFs or custom emoji’s in messages. OkCupid is an open source tinder clone which offers its users with paid boosts. This leads to more matches and higher profile matches.

Paid Subscriptions – This highly popular monetization method comes with a time ceiling which could be monthly, quarterly and even yearly. However, it is advisable to adopt a subscription strategy once the app has gained sufficient recognition. Tinder, for example, has launched two highly popular Tinder Gold and Tinder Plus schemes. These plans allow its users to rewind their actions for changing accidental swipes. Some other paid Tinder features are Super likes, unlimited swipes, smart photos, location change, boost, and others.

Advertisements – If your app has a large number of non-paying users, then in-app advertising can serve as a lucrative money-making option. Native advertising can be of great help in such scenarios as it adheres to the app functionality. Such apps shouldn’t meddle with the seamless experience of users as doing otherwise can lead to mass uninstallations.

Gifts – Users can even buy chocolate, teddies and greeting cards as a token of affection for their beloved. This can boost up the revenue meter during special occasions like Valentine’s Day and Women’s Day.


Clone scripts of Tinder have ushered in a revolution in the field of online dating. Users are notified instantly on creating an account in the application. They can even alter the visibility of their profiles from the clone app in accordance with their personal preference. Locational parameter helps in conducting efficient matchmaking. Just a swipe is enough for scanning through the profile of potential dates. There is also a rewind option helping users to alter their last swipe changes. Users can either reject a chat request or engage in a conversation with potential dates.

One of the biggest roadblocks faced by an app owner while marketing his dating app is the lack of adequate trust. Women especially doubt the online dating portal which leads to a problem with user acquisition. But once you get over the same, you can easily climb up the ladder of popularity.

About the author

Hemendra Singh

My name is Hemendra Singh. I am Managing Director and co-founder of The NineHertz, a Mobile App Development Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of latest trends in the market.





Behance website


Benefits of Using IoT In The Fleet Management System

Fleet management as the term says, adequate management of the company’s vehicle fleet. It helps the fleet owners to properly manage weight monitoring, fleet location tracking, etc. Every transportation business must have an appropriate fleet management system. Proper management of fleet is a daunting task but IoT in transportation helps business owners to easily manage the truck/fleets without any hassle. Here in this post, I will tell you the important advantages of using IoT in the fleet management system.

Let’s check the advantages of using IoT in the fleet management system

#1 Provides real-time road climate data to fleet managers A large number of injuries to fleet drivers take place because of hazardous road climatic conditions that arise time and again. At some cases, the worst road climatic condition also leads to the death of fleet drivers. Irrespective of the fact that fleet managers evaluate climatic predictions to regulate when and how extreme climate will have an effect on operations of the fleet, but wrong climatic forecasts and wrong road climate data are highly injurious to operations. Here, the Internet of things technology comes into the picture. Sensors embedded devices are attached to the axle of the truck or fleet. Real-time road climate data is given to fleet managers with the help of these sensors. In case of bad climatic conditions of the road, fleet managers can immediately contact the drivers to go at slow speed or divert trucks to another route that does not have the worst climate conditions. #2 Helps to know traffic conditions on the road IoT Smart transportation is also useful for fleet managers to contact their drivers whenever there is traffic in a particular area. This helps drivers in saving much of their time for reaching a client’s place faster because fleet managers will help drivers to select the route with less traffic. Internet of things in fleet management can also easily control the movement of traffic as to how fast or slowly traffic is moving. Sensors attached to truck’s axle continuously provides real-time data about road traffic and accordingly fleet owners can help keep their drivers safe by helping them move through clear roads without traffic. This also decreases much of the accidents happening because of traffic conditions. Fleet owners also receive the current traffic data of roads for decreasing unwanted accidents of fleet drivers well in advance. #3 Tracking the real-time location of the fleet Another important advantage of using IoT in fleet management system is to track the exact real-time location of the truck quickly. This feature is best because sometimes the truck driver takes the truck for his personal use to another area and as a result, the truck does not reach on time at client’s place and fleet managers pay for the mistakes of fleet drivers. In such cases, IoT plays a vital role. Fleet owners can easily trace the location of the fleet in the blink of an eye through geo-fencing the area in which your fleet business is operating. #4 Fuel management is carried out effectively One of the best advantages of using IoT fleet management is adequate management of fuel. Therefore, IoT helps fleet managers by keeping a track of fuel utilization in their fleets. Irregularity in fuel consumption of trucks can be easily monitored by fleet owners and accordingly they can take necessary measures to decrease unnecessary fuel consumption to a lot of extents. Moreover, during fuel theft cases, the fleet manager immediately gets alert. As fuel theft is on the rise, it’s going to be a must-have feature for all small, medium, and large fleet operators. Fuel monitoring doesn’t always come cheap so it’s best to run a comparison before committing to a single provider. Such comparison sites, much like iCompario,, can compare fuel cards and telematics systems to help tackle fuel theft. #5 Smart reporting of fleets IoT in fleet management system has an important role to play regarding fleet reports efficiently. Reports are received in real-time to fleet owners about operating of fleets and clearing all deliveries on regular basis. Efficient reporting enables fleet owners to make the right business decisions to enhance revenue from their fleets. #6 Improving fleet maintenance IoT in fleet management system also enhances the overall condition of fleets to improve their functioning. IoT fleet management system has the potential to gather data from different fleets and later on, this particular data can be put to use for precise and complete maintenance plans of fleets. Also, IoT enabled sensors can effectively monitor wear out of truck parts (example: tires) and fleet owners get a notification on the web or mobile app. For instance, when the tire pressure goes below the dangerous point, fleet managers immediately receive an alert about the problem on the web or mobile app of IoT fleet management. Moreover, fleet owners can also contact their drivers quickly to fix the problem before it worsens.

Smart fleet management into action

Introducing problem To know the true potential of the smart fleet management system, let’s take an example of weight monitoring of truck. What happens in the traditional fleet management system? In this case, fleet managers are not able to get a real-time weight of the truck and it further leads to fines being charged from truck drivers for over-weight of the truck. What happens in a smart fleet management system? In case of a smart fleet management system, IoT devices in transportation enable fleet managers to receive a real-time weight of the truck so that whenever truck has over-weight then fleet owners can immediately contact the truck drivers to unload some goods. In this way, unwanted fine charging can be reduced to a lot of extents. Closing Thoughts In a nutshell, it can be concluded that fleet management has wide-array of advantages for the transportation industry and it further leads to increased profitability of the business. If you are looking forward to getting IoT end-to-end solution for transportation business, then feel free to contact us and we will assist you further.


Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Audio Manager

Let’s look in the device manager to look at the status of our Realtek audio driver. Generally, a business development manager will carry out tasks like product development, promotion, and distribution. Android Assistant was made to be compatible with different Android brands from various manufacturers. Your property manager should offer you a summary of how he is going to be handling your properties. Only the very best property managers ought to be hired!

Audio Manager has an excellent little profile feature built into the application. Easy Audio Manager is also an extremely fundamental app. Business management is just one of the main areas in every organization. The automated frequency management employs a new algorithm which also evaluates the reliability of available frequencies.

DSP Manager is a great application that may be employed to achieve vibrating bass in spite of your stock headphones. Being a real manager is never simple. Realtek HD audio manager is quite vital for your PC. To make sure that one’s music playlist does not become lost or distorted, it is necessary to employ music file administration.

The majority of the moment, you merely will need to update your audio driver. Before downloading the new Realtek drivers, it is going to be required to uninstall all present drivers.

The Downside Risk of Audio Manager

Audio is among the essential features of any computer. Windows Audio will then be enabled. It’s essential for practically any sound to be made when a program is operating in Windows. In the event the sound is working then the issue is solved and you need read no more. In addition, in addition, it provides a high-quality sound to your system during the audio card.

What is Actually Happening with Audio Manager

There are a lot of audio manager apps, so it’s essential for you to choose from an audio manager for your Android. Whichever it was, click the suitable link for your audio device so you are taken to the right page.

The 30-Second Trick for Audio Manager

Once an item of hardware is not functioning, it’s highlighted for attention. Although the true audio hardware is HD Audio, it is going to allow utilizing the AC’97 front panel like that. In case the computer doesn’t have sound, proceed to the next process to fix the error. You may then register the software to go for automatic Driver Updates. Free software is a good example. Instead, you may use a tool designed particularly for the purpose of managing and searching for samples.

Ok, I Think I Understand Audio Manager, Now Tell Me About Audio Manager!

If there are simple ways on how best to hide your apps in your Android, in addition, there are quick steps on how best to unhide the apps that were hidden in your menu. In the majority of cases, you should install an audio device to acquire your sound working. The very first thing you ought to do is determine which two audio devices you need to change between. Utilizing a system without sound will help it become incomplete.

About the author

Usman Raza is a marketing specialist at and co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts. He has been writing for magazines and newspapers since 2001, and editing and managing websites since 2006. A generalist, his most covered topics are business and technology. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.


The Significance of A Defect Management Tool in The IoT Industry

Detection of bugs is simple and easy. However, organizing, managing and tracking them in one place is extremely difficult. Therefore, the defect management tool has a significant role to play. An effective tool has a rich-information format that clears your line of sight and consolidates and configures your activities at one place. It helps to record, manage and track all your testing efforts in a very productive user interface and provide access to all your projects at your fingertips.

Whereas, internet of things (IoT) is the network of devices such as home appliances and vehicles that encompass connectivity, actuators, sensors, software and electronics which enable these things to connect, exchange data and interact. IoT is of immense significance these days.

Therefore, we are presenting to you with some reasons why defect management tools are important in the IoT Industry.

1. It Provides Information Rich Format

Vector flat concept of process social media business and marketing. Startup, business planning and results – vector illustration

An effective defect tracking tool enables you to report and track defects using its rich information format and the interactive dashboard. The defects are spotted back and forth within the cycles and are also connected to the referenced test cases.

2. It Helps to Create Customized Defect Reports

While creating customized defect reports you can take advantage of the two-way integration with the defect management software such as JIRA. You can also utilize customized fields to make this integration more appropriate within your business context.

3. It Offers Jira Integration

A defect management tool enables you to sync your defects with the simple set up selection in JIRA. It is ideal for the team working in an agile environment. This is where business analysts and testers can coordinate with two different tracking tools. The issues or defects created on one platform can be logged on to another.

4. It Provides Flexible Reporting

It enables you to log your defects independent of test cycles and modules and use them again and again. This can only be done with its decoupled architecture. In this way, the defect is not required to be created again and again in one case or module.

In the End…

A test management tool like Kualitee can offer an in-depth picture of the sort of defects. After being recorded, these bugs can be traced in various ways. It simplifies the process in many ways through different viewing formats. It enables you to monitor the bug history at any time with various information pointers. A test management tool provides more features than any defect management software. Therefore, many companies allocating a huge chunk of invest in purchasing a test management tool.

Author Bio:

Ray Parker is an entrepreneur and internet marketer with over 9 years of experience in Search Engine Optimization, Creative Writer and Digital Marketing Consultant.