Category: Development


Content Hub CSS Grid and More in New Web Design

It will be fair enough to say that there is hardly anything called a ‘new’ trend in web designing. It is merely the development and modifications of the existing patterns merely with the intent to make it more readable, appealing and conversational. In fact, it is the keystone that the designers focus on to make a long-running conversation more meaningful in web publishing. With all available tools for web designing, this facet has become more prominent in 2018 and will surely stay for many years to come.

The story and messages conveyed through websites these days literally takes you as close as it can. Any abstract or unreal issue or any complex topic is turned into smart content by designing a series of easily understandable paragraphs and implementing useful elements. The volume of the content or the number of components incorporated is not overwhelming anymore in websites these days.

Use of CMS

To make a website easy to understand and to absorb, the use of CMS in web design is crucial. All that is required for it is summarized as under:

  • You will need a little ingenuity
  • Deliver all the important aspects of the story in visuals
  • Use background images and videos more
  • Pay careful attention to the consistency of the stories while designing and developing and of course
  • Make the design and content model different from any standard design or blog posts.

If you want to engage long form in web design, you will have more diverse approaches irrespective of the fact that it is a broken grid or a standard column.

Content Hubs or Webooks

You can make cool web designs just like Tayloright choosing between webooks and content hub. Today demands to create beautiful and appealing content-focused websites, a trend that started in early 2017 and increased in 2018. You can expect to see more of these shorts in the future.

You will notice that several leading brands have ditched the traditional gated PDF approach and have taken on to webook distribution. This enables the users to embrace the potential of a website by publishing long-form contents that are also called “webooks.”

The CSS Grid

There has been a lot of change in the layout system and the first real layout is the CSS grid for any website. The purpose of this design is to organize contents in columns and rows and eventually give the developers absolute control of the screen.

Even the web flow will support CSS grid and help in managing the most common challenge in web design that involves diversity and inclusion of ideas as well as identities. It can be said as an appendage to this point that even the political climate plays a significant role in the inclusion and diversity in web design.

Gender Dropdowns Concerns

The web designers are also concerned about the gender dropdowns and its design choices and inclusion and options and even consider whether to include it at all in web design. Data validations and mechanics play a crucial role in the dynamics of computer interactions with a website. Since the wording of error message is very powerful, a filter in the advertising tools may have racist effects downright. It is important to uphold the existing relations and this is the primary thing that is considered by the web designers when it is upended. Therefore, the designers need to be diverse and inclusive in their design solutions like Tayloright.

Benefits of Virtuous Conversations

Gender bias has marginalizing and contradictory ways but it is required to make conversations mostly virtuous. This has specific benefits such as:

  • It provides proper feedback
  • It eliminates double standards
  • It offers an ideal and usable experience.

In other words, inclusion must be to the fullest to make sure it provides an optimal experience to the users.

Video as Publishing Medium

The video seems to be the swivel of modern web design that has brought in a polar difference in its effects, appeal and effectiveness. Publishers are clamouring for videos included in the design du jour and this switchover has provided better results. Now you can see it anywhere whether it is a news site or any other. Watching a video rather than reading the short form stories is more effective.

However, this popular trend is barely a neutral development as the outlook may not be suitable for the sites with this switch. Regardless, there is a positive note in such a switch. Video Cost Per Impressions is much better than display CPMs.

Blending Text and Video

The designers however never deviate from the inclusion of text in a website even if it has videos to explain things. The blend of the two rightly made enhances the strength of text. It makes the site a more creative and informational medium. Other features and benefits include:

  • It is comparatively easy and quick to produce
  • It is a cheap alternative inclusion
  • It is the primary format of almost all communications still.

Therefore, however ‘visuals first’ platform it may be, the text still plays and always will play a significant supporting role. Thus, texts are hard to go to the dinosaur way even though an image may be “worth a thousand words.” Pictures can never answer who, when, what, why, where, and how meaningfully with reference to the context.

Web Design Systematized

It can be said that web design is more systemized and has undoubtedly earned its place at the table. Conversations now are not restricted to simple assertions of values but it involves a more mature analysis. This has forced in more systematic web design to ensure that it is cohesive and scalable. It must provide the desired output of a brand across different and varied applications and environments.

The principle of design focuses on brand aesthetics translation, the functionality of modular components and to meet the unique need of the UI. The systemized language must simplify decision making. Therefore, the debate between content-first or design-first has resulted in more system oriented designs in modern times that is here to stay.

Author bio:

Maria Jones is a digital art fellow and multidisciplinary artist who is into design and development for the last ten years. She now specializes in the responsive design and used to write blogs and Tayloright about evolving graphics and web design concepts.


Tech Trends To Help You Save Money This Fall

Why not start the fall off with some of the latest gadgets that will help you save energy in your home? Many of these appliances come with remote controls or an app for your phone that will help you keep track of exactly what amount of electricity is being used in your home and when. Follow this guide to stay up to date on the latest technology trends.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are the next big thing for your home because they offer you complete control over your home’s central air which is good for the homeowner who wants to use the least amount of energy possible. They have tracking features that follow your heating and cooling patterns and they respond to your lifestyle in order to maximize efficiency and save you money. Smart thermostats can be programmed to run only when you’re actually at home and can often be connected to Wi-Fi and controlled remotely from your phone. Just remember if you are going to purchase a smart thermostat then investing in a home warranty plan can help you to safeguard the systems and appliances in your home. Home warranty plans are surprisingly affordable nowadays and can be purchased in most states, so if you live in Missouri you can find plenty of helpful home warranty resources on the First American website here:

Tankless Water Heaters

Water heating accounts for a significant amount of your total heating costs so why not upgrade your heating tank to the most efficient technology possible? The newest environmentally friendly trend is a tankless water heater that takes up only a small amount of space because there is no storage tank. Some units only turn on when your use your faucets which could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

The benefits of new water heaters outweigh the initial cost because installing one could help you qualify for rebates for energy efficient homes and using one will drastically reduce your energy bill because you’ll be using less energy to heat water. There are lots of options, so be sure to do your research into the best tankless water heater reviews to see which unit will be the best fit for your home.

Energy Saving Power Strip

Did you know that your phone charger still uses power even when your phone isn’t plugged into it? Smart power strips are beneficial to any home because they eliminate wasted energy by ensuring that your appliances aren’t running while you’re not at home and they help reduce cord clutter around outlets. Many of the newer models can be controlled by a remote or by an application on your phone so there is no need to waste any more energy when you leave appliances plugged in.

Smart Lighting Solutions Make Life Easier

Turning the lights off when you leave a room can save you a lot of money on your energy bill but it’s easy to forget to do. Many people are switching to responsive lightbulbs that are activated by motion sensors so their lights will only turn on once you’re in the room. Others are using smart LED bulbs that are designed to respond to an app on your phone that allows you to control the lights all over your house by timing them and dimming them to suit your mood. You can even get lights that change colours.

Fall is a great time to update the gear in your home. Not only will these gadgets help you reduce the amount of energy used in your home in order to save you money, they’ll help you show your friends that you’re on top of your game.


Do You Want to Improve Your Website Ranking? Seven Useful Tactics to Implement

Are you planning your content marketing strategy?  If yes, SEO is the primary objective. Expert marketers work in a way that’s something like this –they have an SEO plan, a list of premium keywords, they start to blog actively and have the website optimized. There’s also a plan for on and off page SEO. The majority of marketers don’t find this to be a problem.

Time, however, is a concern. Also, the weekly tracking often makes you guess, cross your fingers, pray and also consult informative blogs to learn about the advanced SEO trends and tricks. Maximizing leads and high-end website visits are essential. Hence, your content marketing plan requires some help. Also, if you get to see that your competitors and other market players are ranking above you, then there’s work that you need to do.

One thing that you should also consider is going through an audit – you can even use a free SEO audit tool. That will help to keep you on the right track during this process.

So, do you want to improve your website ranking and outshine your competitors? If yes, you can refer to the seven useful SEO tips discussed below.

1. Carry out a competitor analysis

The strongest SEO tactics to increase your website ranks is conducting extensive competitor analysis and research. The first step is to recognize the principal competitors, either through geography, industry, keywords or any other essential aspects. An in-depth analysis will enable you to discern areas where your competitor is doing better than you. It will help you know your weakness. Any competitor analysis that you conduct should include the following activities:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Content analysis
  • Link building analysis

Additionally, tools such as Ahrefs, SpyFu, and SEMrush are useful in website optimization.

2. Evaluate your back-links

Back-links are an essential aspect of a sound SEO strategy. But not every back-link is equally created. Few links will naturally perform better than the rest. Hence, managing performance is essential. It is useful in narrowing down on many other kinds of back-links that are important. Alternatively, you can also understand the websites that are essential for generating high-end traffic.

Are there a few links that are not adding value to the search ranks? If yes, then it is essential to do away with these links. You can use tools such as Aherfs and Majestic that are useful in conducting an in-depth back-link analysis for the website. Want to get professional assistance on this? You can reach out to names like LA SEO Kotton Grammer if you are in Los Angeles and others, to have access to expert guidance.

3. Mobile optimization

The mobile search market is expanding rapidly. Also, marketers have been anticipating for long that mobile might become more impactful than desktops. Back in 2017, mobile took the lead. Today, it records for over a half of global web traffic.

There have been several criterions for mobile development. It is not just essential for websites to look decent. Sites also need to load quickly; else the online visitors will bounce off to other websites. Opting for a stripped-down version of HTML, Google asserts that the AMP optimized web pages generally load 85% faster. Hence, if your site is not optimized for mobile, it’s crucial that you do it today.

4. Make use of a safe HTTP

When you shift to Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) for encryption, you automatically witness many advantages. Some of them are listed below:

  • Privacy and security: By securing communications between servers and users, the scopes for third party damage or interference reduce significantly. The outcome is high trust from both web browsers and users. And you get to see the warning signs when you browse through the non-HTTPS sites.
  • Enhanced rankings: With the growing trustworthiness, the majority of websites that have shifted to HTTPS will witness an increase in their search ranks. You can also expect to see a vast number of traffic and referrals gradually. Google recommends secure sites more than the others.

According to statistic, after mid-2017 about 31% of web domain has shifted to HTTPS. And this number has been increasing ever since. It is because secure communication protocols are becoming significant around the globe. Right after you shift to HTTPS, there might be a dip in the search result performance and site rank. It is because of the modifications you make to the URL base. It is for a short span of time, and you’ll witness increased website ranks soon.

5. Optimize the web page speed

The internet speed has increased. Hence, there are high expectations concerning the website performance from all the mainstream users. Based on a study by Adobe, about 40% of the users are going to move away from a website if it takes excess time to load.

Want to boost the website loading time? There’s a lot you can do for the same for example choosing the fastest web hosting provider out there so that your server-side related loading speeds are top notch. And the majority of this is easy to implement. For instance, resort to high-compression for your pictures to minimize the load time. You might also want to make use of a Content Delivery Network (CDN), which enables your global users to have access to your web content.

6. Voice search optimization

As you attempt to optimize mobile devices, incorporating a better voice search functionality is a smart call. The primary objective of the same is to concentrate on the voice search that is the source for “Featured Snippet” as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa that will read out data from the sources.

7. Making use of structured data

The website crawlers have gotten more advanced and gained expertise over the years. However, what is apparent to a human user is entirely vague to a machine. The outcome is, occasionally, the site crawlers might make mistakes or overlook a data when your website is indexed. The solution, therefore, is to make use of structured data.

Making use of structured data is formatting your site code to an identical layout. When the search engine crawlers index your website, they will be able to gather precious information. It is because it got designed in the expected format.

The online market space is getting flooded with new companies and brands every day. Every company wants their brand to outshine the other market players. Everyone wants to experience increased website ranks. And to be able to witness this consistently needs serious work. You can opt-in for the above-discussed SEO tactics that are tried and tested and are meant to enhance the website rankings.


Video Marketing – Tips To Succeed With Your Online Videos

Video marketing is a sales strategy in which audiovisual pieces are used to promote a product or service, mainly online. In short, it is about adding videos to your online marketing strategy, through different platforms.

Here, you will see the different reasons why you should use video marketing in your online strategy to improve your communication to your target audience, as well as a series of tips and the different channels that you can use to broadcast your audiovisual messages.

This type of marketing is booming in our society; you have to take a look at the data of recent months, which reveal that nine out of ten people see the videos of the brands they like. And more than 65% of these people visit the website of the brand in question after viewing the video.

A bit of data

The online audiovisual content has a significant consideration today. It has become a key player among the population. An average user watches 66 minutes of online video per day. The audiovisual content already exceeds 70% of the entire volume of the network, estimating that it will reach 84% by the end of 2018 according to a study carried out by Accenture.

The so-called Generation Y or “Millennial” (young people between 18 and 34 years old) is having a significant weight. They are modifying the way to receive advertising. This generation has changed television hours by watching online video. These viewers watch 20 hours per week of video on the internet, compared to 8 hours of television (Adweek data). This means that television campaigns are less seen by this young public. It is therefore imperative that companies adapt and seek new ways to reach this part of the population.

Why you should use video marketing

The reasons for using video marketing are innumerable. These are some of them:

  • Message: A message transmitted audiovisually is much more effective, precise and comprehensible to the general public. One minute transmits the same information as 1.8 million words. A video allows you to express a message with many more resources, getting a more creative and emotional message. Also, when reaching the user through several senses, 80% of consumers remember the brand better if they have seen an audiovisual content about it.
  • Leisure: Watching videos does not require any effort on the part of the viewer, and they are associated with leisure. Therefore, it is easier to capture and maintain the user’s attention than with a written text.
  • Virality: Audiovisual material is the most susceptible format to be shared and therefore to be a viral content. 90% of shared videos appeal to emotional and humorous content. The important thing is to know what the audience is looking for so that more people share the content.
  • Purchase: The audiovisual content of a page helps the decision of online buyers. 85% of users say that they are willing to buy pages with videos about the product, as it makes it more attractive and provides extra information about its content or operation.
  • SEO: The videos help the positioning of your web page. Specifically, there are 50 times more chances to appear on the first page of Google. Thanks to audiovisual content, users spend more time on the website for its reproduction. Also, the more you share the video, the more visits your web portal will have.

Types of Video Marketing

To know what is best suited to your company, we will differentiate between different types of video marketing:

Advertisers: They are classic television spots, which can also be distributed by online media.

Corporate: Those that show the functions and values of the company. It is the presentation of the entity in an audiovisual way.

Portfolio: They show the different professional jobs of the company so that the client sees their best work.

Demonstrative: They are the ones that show the operation, characteristics and advantages of a product or service. Highlighting its value and importance, and thus encouraging its sales.

Tutorials: Explanatory pieces that offer training on one of the company’s products, positioning themselves as experts in the sector.

Testimonials: They reflect the experiences and opinions of real customers about products and services of the company.

Events: They show the presence of the company in important events of the sector, increasing its value and leadership in the guild.

Broadcast channels for Video Marketing

For a video marketing campaign to be a success, the distribution platform must be chosen correctly. The most successful channels are the following:

Email marketing: Thanks to the video marketing implanted in the mail, you ensure the attention of the viewer from the first moment you open the mail since the video will be played immediately, thanks to tools such as Autoplay. The success of this method is explained in that it is the user who has asked to receive information about the company and will pay much more attention and interest to a video than to a written text. Also, we will avoid distractions from the traditional advertising of e-mail providers.

Youtube: It is the largest and most important platform for videos on the internet. In a month, more than 5,000 million hours of audiovisual content are displayed, uploaded by the users of the platform.

There are different ways to use YouTube. The first is to use free video marketing. It consists of uploading videos of the brand to its official channel, which can be viewed through a link on the company’s website, or on the Youtube platform. The second is to use tools like Trueview. With the payment of a fee, the video of your brand will appear at the beginning of the video that the user wants to see, as an advertisement. Videos of less than three minutes are the most successful. Short form video content doesn’t require the viewer to concentrate for very long, so you need to focus on making your videos engaging and high impact in the shorter run-time.

If you feel this is your strong suit, you might benefit from directing your marketing efforts to a platform like TikTok, which is highly popular with the younger generation. This can be a lucrative market to target, especially if you were utilise online resources, such as this site which can be your complete guide to buying TikTok followers and other similar platforms. Using social media growth services can give your account the social proof required to get potential customers on-board with your business, having a large amount of followers gives the perception that you’re well established and trustworthy. Combining this with high quality content can help you to organically grow in no time.

Other broadcast channels for video marketing are Vimeo and social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Tips to succeed in video marketing

Finally, here are some tips to help you succeed with your video marketing campaign:

Starts strong: The first seconds of your video marketing is the most important. You must capture the viewer’s attention from the start.

Pass a message: Your video should convey valuable information about the product or service that is promoted, convincing the viewer that yours is the best in the competition.

Be consistent: If you make videos promoting your brand frequently, the viewer will know it better and will tend to consider it as the main one in case you need a product.

Feelings: Videos that use humour or emotions are the most persuasive when it comes to selling a brand. Try to provoke an emotional response. This way, the viewer will remember the brand much better.

Brevity: A video marketing should last less than two minutes. The less, the better, to avoid taking the time of the users and having a bad image of the brand.

Action: Your video should end with a call to action. A web page or purchase link is enough. This serves so that the spectator becomes a client.

Author Bio:

Melissa Crooks is a Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink Infosystem, one of the leading app development companies in New York, USA & India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring the latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column.


Developing artificial intelligence apps using python

The IT world offers numerous highly utilizable options of programming languages for your next project. Every development environment comes with a specific set of advantages and disadvantages which are best realized reading reviews across the Internet. The whole world will tell you how and why programming language is good or bad, but you will not find some real words to act over for your next AI project. Among all the programming languages offered for a project like Lisbon, Java, C hash and many more, brightness turned out to be a real potential player to host your next big AI project. It is true that the choice if you do it will be influenced by many factors like the availability of human resources similar to that language, libraries and the overall, is of coding in that language.

This highly informative, genuine blog post brings you all the compelling reasons to choose Python software development.

Being a company in the IT ecosystem is a common sight where developers spend the day in and day out working out custom algorithms and the overall functioning blocks of code to give birth to an overall AI solution. Python is easy to code language and reduces the lines of code by over 80%. It becomes a cakewalk to make new AI systems.

Python as the AI enabler

Another compelling reason to choose python to be your next language for the right solutions is the proactive contributing community which gives an enormous number of open source libraries which are mostly built-in or easily accessible. Write an offer some super useful libraries like my brain, sci-fi, and Mumbai for different kinds of uses and approaches to words your next AI solution.

Support is smartly blended with all the pies in this product which are available through the help of the great buyers in the community. In general, it is not something complicated to rule out complex products with huge functionalities that provide assistance and support for all of them is an enormous task. Python encourages you to make it your next solution development language with the colossal community willing to help the programmers at every stage of development.

YouTube link: –

Cross-platform ability generally brings jabber to our mind. Python is another language which allows you to make applications which are easy to run on any platform just with a simple tweaking of the code. This not only helps your AI solution to reach a large number of users but also reduces the workload of your developer’s manifolds.

Why Python against the Sea of Others?

If you build your solution in any other language like LISP or C sharp, the human resources will take a massive chunk of your budget. Moreover, talent acquisition will create a deep hole in your pocket in the initial phase.

R is considered to be the go-to language for all kinds of data analysis and management purposes. But Python has dedicated libraries which will help you build projects with utmost ease. Most of the AI projects involve data cleaning, and then the same data is used for manipulations and fed into the algorithms for the mathematical which procedure is like the nodes of a neural network. All this can be done with fantastic ease and lesser time material cost.

These are some of the most compelling reasons to choose python as your next AI solution development language. Unlock the real potential of AI with the key of python in coming years.


Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Salesforce

Whether you are looking for a Salesforce app to use in a business operation or you want to make a position in the Salesforce world, you need to understand what Salesforce offers and what it does to help you win more customers.  Being a pioneer in Salesforce, people, experienced or fresher, come to us with so many questions regarding the utility, features, and technicalities of Salesforce. Through this post, I have answered a few repetitive questions that Salesforce enthusiasts continuously ask us.  

What are the benefits of Salesforce CRM?

The topmost benefits of Salesforce CRM are:

  • You get more opportunities to increase your sales
  • The use of the analytical approach to ensure customer acquisition.
  • Minimizing the cost to improve customer satisfaction.
  • The complete automation of repetitive tasks.
  • Upfront communication with improved efficiency

To unlock these benefits, you need to master the concepts and aspects of this CRM tool, which Salesforce training can help you achieve.

What are Salesforce’s custom objects? contains all enterprise-level data.  There is a requirement for Junction Object, which has a master-detail relationship. This allows you to create a master-detail relationship between two objects and plug in a child object to a related list. You need to define these custom objects if you want to take the following steps.

  • Integrate records with custom objects.
  • Custom lists display the custom object data
  • Build a custom tab for a custom object.
  • Developing page layouts.
  • Developing a dashboard & report to evaluate custom object.
  • You can share the custom tab, app and object.

What are Governor Limits in Salesforce?

Governor Limits controls the volume of data and the number of records you can store in shared databases. This is because Salesforce is designed on the basis of multi-tenant architecture. Simply, Salesforce stores the data of multiple clients/ customers using a single database. To avoid the monopolization of shared resources, Salesforce is driving the concept of Governor Limits based on the Apex run-time engine. Whenever the Apex code goes beyond the limit, a run-time exception is what the expected governor issues that are not possible to handle. Therefore, being a Salesforce developer, stay cautious while developing your application. The governor Limits of Salesforce are:

  • Per-Transaction Apex Limits
  • Platform Apex Limits
  • Static Apex Limits
  • Size-Specific Apex Limits
  • Miscellaneous Apex Limits
  • Email Limits
  • Push Notification Limits

What can cause data loss in Salesforce?

Reasons responsible for Data loss in Salesforce are:

  • Changing date and time as well as data
  • Moving to currency, number, and percentage from other data types
  • Shifting from the multi-select picklist, checkbox, auto number to other types
  • Changing to multi-select picklist from any type rather than picklist
  • Moving to auto-number except for text
  • Taking advantage of text-area for e-mail, phone, URL, and text

What are the different dashboard components?

The different Dashboard components are: Chart: A graphical representation of data. Gauge: You can display a single value amongst custom values. Metric: You can show a sole key value – By clicking on a blank text field next to total and then entering the metric label straight into components. All metrics are correctly aligned in the console column. Table: Display report data in column form using the Table. Visual force-This helps generate custom component or showcase info not accessible to other sections. Custom S – component: It involves the content that runs or exhibits a browser like Excel file, Java applet, ActiveX Control and custom HTML web form.

Can you explain the details of Salesforce SaaS functionality?

The important features of Salesforce SaaS functionality are:

  1. You get a pay-as-you-go framework that resonates well with all clientele.
  2. You don’t need to bother about substructure management.
  3. Retrieval of all requests via the internet.
  4. Easy to integrate along with numerous applications.
  5. Uncover newest features without any postponement.
  6. High uptime and safety.
  7. Excellent presentation for various operations.
  8. Connect anywhere through mobile devices

If you know about CRM, you must have heard of Salesforce. It offers robust customer relationship management software, which performs real-time analytics by evaluating customers’ data. It has become a need of the hour to meet the requirement of the client end to end.


How Increasing Design Tolerance Can Cut Costs

Product development and design are essential for ensuring that you can actually produce and sell the products you make. Oftentimes, products are designed and produced in a way to maximize quality. In order to achieve that, tight tolerances are focused on during the development process. What exactly are tight tolerances in product development? Tolerances are variables in the design, usually concerning the dimensions of a specific product.

In layman’s terms, it’s a plus or minus here and there that are allowed in product design. Tolerances influence the overall design of the products, as well as its manufacturing and quality control. In some cases, tight tolerances are absolutely necessary to ensure that the product can perform appropriately. However, strictly leveraging tight tolerances isn’t mandatory in every case. What’s more, they will only increase the production costs. Therefore, here’s how increasing design tolerance can actually cut costs.

Determine the functionality of a product

The functionality of a product determines how it will be designed and produced. In some cases, tolerances of even a single decimal can mean the difference between a functioning product and a failed one. That is only the case if product functionality depends on tight tolerances. However, materials used in the manufacturing process also play a role in determining acceptable tolerances in product design. In other words, not every part of the product needs tight tolerances, but in most cases, the entire product is based on strict requirements.

For instance, a product with a certain number of components requires a tolerance of ±0.001 because there’s a specific way component must fit together. But, a separate part is also automatically specified using the same tolerances, even if the part does not interact with the others or may not need the same tolerances. That’s why it’s important to determine the functionality of the product and which component – if any – requires a tight tolerance to function.

Consult with a manufacturer

Creating a product design eventually comes down to tolerances that are numbers on paper. You may think that those tolerances are absolutely necessary, even if that’s not the case. Tolerances are influenced by the materials used in production, how they’re made during manufacturing and the sensitivity of product features to variations in design. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced manufacturer on board that can help you determine if there’s room to increase the design tolerance or not.

For example, if you’re developing a design for electrical components, you should consult with an electronics manufacturer. That way, a manufacturer can go over your design and help you determine the acceptable increases intolerances to help you cut costs. Electronics are produced by the IPC (Association Connecting Electronics Industries) standards which allow certain tolerances in product design. Your manufacturer will know how to best implement those tolerances, without compromising the product’s functionality and quality.

Understand the costs of tight tolerances

As mentioned before, product developers and designers focus on tight tolerances in order to ensure product quality. The reality is that tight tolerances do not always influence quality, but they are always expensive to implement. You need to consider these costs before insisting on tight tolerances. For example, tight tolerances require more precise tools and higher grade materials, which cost a lot more. The tighter the tolerance is, the more it will cost you. In addition, tight tolerances require more processing, which increases the costs of the machinery used and labour.

Moreover, you need to pay for a close inspection to determine whether the tolerances are within the acceptable range. What’s more, if you cannot implement tight tolerances on your own, you may need to outsource the process, which will cost you more. In the end, you end up paying for precision that may not be required. That’s why it’s important to actually determine if tight tolerances are mandatory for your products. If you don’t need such tolerances, you should take the opportunity to implement more appropriate variables and greatly reduce the costs of product development.

Don’t relax tolerances too much

In an effort to cut costs, increasing the design tolerance is quite beneficial. However, relaxing the tolerances too much involves certain risks. For example, the product components may not fit well together if tolerances are too extreme. In addition, your customers may disapprove of increased tolerances, if you haven’t consulted with them beforehand. Also, you may need to repeat the manufacturing process and redesign your products if you’re not careful with tolerances.

That will only skyrocket your costs. Instead of focusing on tight tolerances or relaxing them too much, you should focus on implementing quality assurance and tolerance analysis. That way, you’ll be able to determine exactly which variables are acceptable for your product design. In addition, you’ll know exactly where to apply strict tolerances and, of course, how much you can increase them to cut costs.

Product design is important for the manufacturing and quality of the products. However, ensuring product quality doesn’t always rely on implementing strictly tight tolerances. Tight tolerances are only required when there are specific needs and functionality requirements. Other than that, you can consider relaxing the product design tolerance and save yourself a lot of money during the development process.

About the author:

My name is Raul, editor in chief at Technivorz blog. I have a lot to say about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. You can reach me out on Twitter.


Top 3 Machine Learning trends in 2018

Machine Learning has been growing at an incredible pace in 2017. We’ve witnessed many breakthroughs such as AlphaGo beating the best world’s Go players, the comeback of evolution algorithms meta-learning, or WaveNet generating speech that mimics any human voice. Deep Learning research has been skyrocketing since 2012, and it’s not going to stop. Carlos Perez – Co-Founder of Intuition Machine – predicts that the number of research papers related to Deep Learning will triple or even quadruple in 2018!


The beginning of the third quarter of 2018 seems like a good time to take a closer look at the top Machine Learning trends in 2018.


Generative Models

One of the core goals for AI is to understand the world as a human does. In order to understand the world, one is required to build meaningful representations of abstract concepts. In particular, generative models are very good at this task. There’s nice intuition behind this taken from Richard Feynman who said:


What I cannot create, I do not understand  


Since their introduction in 2014, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are probably the hottest topic in unsupervised learning research, along with Variational AutoEncoders. A GAN is a generative machine learning model that consists of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. During training, the generator tries to generate realistic samples, while the discriminator needs to determine whether they’re fake or real. As the training proceeds, both the generator and the discriminator get better at their tasks. In the end, the generator is capable of generating data that looks like the real thing. GANs have a lot of interesting applications, such as an image to image translation, or improving the quality of low-resolution CT scans.


The classic problem with GANs is that they are really good at generating synthetic images in a bunch of different domains, but they struggle to model aspects of images that require the understanding of the whole, like getting the number of animal legs right.


Recently the father of GANs, Ian Goodfellow, has published a work on Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks (SAGAN). Introducing a self-attention module to the generator resulted in generating images in which fine details at every location are carefully coordinated with fine details in distant parts of the image.


There are already almost 4000 papers on Google scholar related to GANs this year, and there’s much more to come!


Many machine learning models, for example, Deep Neural Networks, are considered to be black boxes. However, the typical end-user of machine learning based system prefers solutions that are interpretable and understandable. For example, you may ask yourself if you would trust a neural network diagnosing cancer without explaining its reasoning. Would you choose an AI doctor with 85% accuracy that can explain its reasoning or an AI doctor with 90% accuracy that cannot?


Interpretability of machine learning models seems to be crucial for applications in healthcare or law. Last but not least, machine learning engineers benefit a lot from interpretable models, as it’s much easier to validate and improve them.


Again, we can borrow an intuition from Richard Feynman who said:


If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it


We can notice an increasing amount of research in the area of explaining machine learning models. One may distinguish model-agnostic methods and model-specific methods for explaining machine learning models. For example, LIME is a simple technique that uses local linear approximation via K-Lasso regression to provide model-agnostic explanations. You can find a Python implementation of LIME on GitHub. There are a lot of techniques for producing visual explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks, such as saliency maps. If you’re interested, I strongly recommend this compiled list of resources on interpretability by Michał Łopuszyński.


Edge Computing

The Internet of Things is going to revolutionize our world. All of these devices, such as mobile phones, beacons or Raspberry Pis, are able to provide tons of data. However, IoT alone is not smart technology. On the other hand, machine learning is fueled by data. These incentives are crucial for machine learning meeting edge computing.


There are several advantages for running machine learning applications on edge devices. Firstly, we can highly reduce latency when communication with the cloud is not required. It’s possible because of several reasons, such as hardware improvements, software improvements, and last but not least – compact deep learning architectures without losing a lot on accuracy (MobileNet v2). For example, MobileNet’s forward pass only takes about 20 milliseconds on the newest iPhones.

One cannot omit the importance of the existence and development of frameworks such as CoreML and TensorflowLite. Currently, it’s very easy to implement, train and evaluate a model in one of Python’s Deep Learning libraries and latter deploy it on an Android device or an iPhone.


Privacy has always been an important concern on the Internet, and it seems that this year this is truer than ever. Machine Learning algorithms cannot be trained without data. However, if you train a machine learning model on an edge device, your data doesn’t need to leave it.


And last but not least, since Deep Gradient Compression has been introduced at ICLR 2018, distributed training on many edge devices seems to be possible on 1Gbps commodity Ethernet.

Guest post by Mateusz Opala, Machine Learning Tech Lead at Netguru


How to Improve Your Customer Help

The customers’ journey is an important thing to keep track of in today’s market. Customers who are happy with their journey with your brand are more loyal – and more likely to make future purchases than those who aren’t. You also have the ability to build better relationships with the customers through a positive customer experience.

Naturally, the customers’ journey doesn’t stop when they make a purchase. Offering good customer support and aftersales services is also an important thing to do. To improve customer support, here are some of the strategies you can implement right away.

Keep Track of Support Requests

One of the worst things you can do when providing customer support is not keeping track of customers’ requests properly. This usually leads to the customers having to explain their issues again, which is extremely annoying for them.

A simple IT solution is all you need to manage customer requests better. A help desk software is a great foundation and will lead to better – and more efficient – customer support. The help desk software then acts as a way to manage your customer support efforts.

The IT industry has used help desk software to provide invaluable services to their customers. Today, other industries are using the same approach to deliver the same level of user experience across their customer base.

Service-Minded Employees

The next challenge to tackle is employee development. You can’t expect to offer good customer support without employees who are serious about offering the best customer service. Training and development programs are how you reconfigure employees to have a more service-oriented mindset.

You can start by strengthening the customer service skills of key employees. The most important skills to develop are empathy and patience, good product knowledge, the ability to mitigate customers’ complaints intelligently, and good worth ethic in general.

These skills can be further supported by the good understanding of customer touchpoints and how every part of the customers’ experience can be improved. Even bad customer experience is an opportunity; through good customer service, those disappointed customers can become your most loyal ambassadors.

Focus on Interactions

The incredible solutions you deliver are important, but how you deliver them is even more important. You want to make sure that the good aftersales experience you provide is the experience the customers see and feel too.

The way to do this is by ensuring customer support is delivered in a timely and pleasant manner. You can establish policies to allow the customer support executives or officers to do just that while staying within the boundaries of SOPs.

The way executives interact with the customers’ matters too. Offer a more personalized approach, listen to what the customers really want, and don’t be afraid to admit mistakes. Admitting your mistake even before customers launch their complaints is a powerful way to ensure that the customers always have a great customer experience.

Combined, these strategies will substantially improve customer support and the overall customer journey. Add sincerity to the mix, and you have the perfect recipe for offering stunning aftersales service that keeps customers coming back for more.


Why You Should Invest in a Digital Kanban Board

Digital Kanban boards are taking the tech world by storm as the software helps teams to prioritise tasks and improve efficiency in the workplace. Kanban might have started off as a physical board, but the digital version of the software is becoming very popular and it is something that you should consider investing in if you want to improve how your team works. In this article, we are going to take you through some of the reasons why you should invest in a digital Kanban board and the benefits that this piece of tech can bring to you. Keep reading if you’d like to hear more about this.

What Is Kanban Software?

Kanban software comes in many forms with many different companies giving their own take on this sort of organisational structure. With Kanban software, you input tasks onto the board when they first are confirmed. From here, tasks move across the board depending on their level of completion. This means that tasks can be prioritised, and staff efficiency levels can be monitored. Make sure to learn more about Kanban software before you invest in this piece of technology to ensure that it is right for you. You can learn all you need to know by reading Kanbanize’s guide “Kanban Software: Explore the Opportunities“.

Easy to Use

With an online Kanban board, you can create it to work for the type of project that you are completing. Every team is different and so the fact that this type of system is so easy to use makes a huge difference. When you first download the software, you can choose the type of layout that you want, and you’ll find it really easy to add new cards and move them along the board when you need to. This type of technology is a lot easier to use than a physical board that will require you have to write on cards or print them out. With an online Kanban board, you can edit the cards in a matter of seconds.

Great for Teamwork

If you have a large team then you will love this benefit of using an online Kanban board. When you put the different tasks on the board, your whole team can see it and they can grab a task and get it done. You don’t need to worry about things slipping through the cracks as Kanban doesn’t allow for this. If you invest in this software, you won’t need to inform your team of what they need to do and when it needs to be done by because they’ll already know. You’ll save yourself time on having meetings and sending out emails and you’ll be able to get your work done more quickly.

Remote Workers

One of the best things about Kanban software is that it can be used by any member of the team no matter where they are. As long as they have access to the software on their computer or their mobile phone app, they can view the board online and get started. This works really well if you have remote workers or you don’t have the main office. You could also consider getting rid of your office and having your staff work from home. They’ll be able to stay connected using the Kanban board online and you can still get your work done effectively.

Improve Efficiency

If your team struggle with getting things done on time, you’ll find that having an online Kanban board can totally change the way they work. The system works well to improve efficiency and you’ll be able to identify the weak points in the company. Perhaps someone is not getting as much work done as you’d like, maybe you could use this information to try them on another task or analyse what they did well. Making use of a Kanban board can really help you to understand how your team works and you’ll be able to get your projects done on time.

Reasonably Priced

When it comes to Kanban software, you don’t even need to fork out a lot of money to get help with your business. This piece of tech is reasonably priced and if you find a good one, you might even get a free trial to see if you could really benefit from this type of software. Don’t be afraid to have a look around at what is available online in order to really improve how your businesses flow.

Final Thoughts

If you are thinking about investing in Kanban software, then you’ll find that it is actually a really good idea. There are a lot of benefits and you will see your business start to shine as you improve the way in which your team works. The systems are easy to use, and you’ll get to grips with them reasonably fast so make sure to try it now.